Fri 16 Jul, 2004 11:22 am
Yes I know - another reality TV show ... this and Survivor would be the two I would save if all reality TV shows had to be banned.
So, do we have some watchers out there who will be faithfully, along with myself, watching?
Heeven, I'm watching. Glad Allison is gone. Not glad the army dad and his daughter are gone.
Hey, you two! I've never heard of this show; what is it about, and what do you think makes you want you save it?
Drom, IMO this is by far the best of the so-called reality shows. Pairs of people who know each other race around the world confronting various obstacles along the way. The winners receive a cash prize.
I think this show is heads and shoulders above the others because of the human dynamics. The stress of the race brings out interesting reactions in people--to the situations and to each other. Couples have broken up or become stronger. Friends have been close to hitting each other and work it out.
In the last episode and father and daughter were the last to arrive at the appointed spot and so were eliminated. What they said about each other at the end brought tears to my eyes. At the beginning of the show, the daughter had said they she wanted to do the race with her father in the hope that he would finally see her as an adult. At the end the father said that he wanted to do the race so that he could teach her things. He learned that she's a whole person and has everything she needs.
Some of the people are not nice or are funny. The people make the show. And the fact that they are not strangers to one another, the way they are in other reality shows, makes this show special.
It sounds like a really quite interesting idea, Roberta. It sounds like a far better way of showing how people develop, and react, than other engineered 'reality' programmes. The format of the show means that the people involved are, on film, always in motion, never stationary; and, unlike other reality shows, there is not just one location (which can be jarring.) How long has it been running?
It's been shown once a year for five years. The locations are spectacular. One of the couples this week said, "Let's take a minute to look at this. It's beautiful." They're in Patagonia. And it is beautiful.
I'm watching as well.
It is a decent show and worth saving but, hopefully we wont have to go that far.
I was delighted when Allison was eliminated last week - her personality was dreadful and her suffering boyfriend is nuts to put up with her. I bet she berated him all the way home!
I too had a tear as the Dad spoke about his daughter last night when they came in last.
I find this most enjoyable to watch with the mistakes, luck, and relationships and attitudes getting tested over and over again.
I haven't selected a favorite that I'd like to see win yet.
Ive found myself enjoying the elimination of Allison as well and wondering how in the world that poor boy puts up with her.
It was very sad to see the Father & daughter team be eliminated last last, too bad, they seemed liked really good folks.
The little person and her friend crack me up-they spend moments enjoying a view or laughing and still doing well, and thats nice to see.
This is my favorite season.
Go Chip & Kim!!!
Brandon (model guy) went to my school!

...but I'm not rooting for him. He was annoying the first several episodes. It wasn't until the last one that I started to like him (a little).
I do like Chip & Kim also. I have not seen them snap at each other at all really. Chip is such a sweetheart.
I detest Colin and how he treats Christie but then I have to agree with Mirna (who was also a bit of cow at times) when she said that Christie lets Colin walk all over her. Christie is more sensible and level-headed than Colin but boy does she pander to him when he loses his cool - even apologizing for upsetting him (when she is in the right!) Ick.
Brandon & Nicole seem okay. Brandon treats Nicole well but she can be a bit snippy with him at times. However they seem very much in love and a good match. I was so pleased that he was not mad at her for not going through with shaving her head for the fast forward. He said he didn't want to see her lose her beautiful hair - how sweet! If that had been Colin, he would have hacked Christies head off if he thought he would be first at the next pit-stop!
The twins are a bit irritating - I guess I don't find them too likable - not sure why.
Linda & Karen I like but if I were to pick a couple I'd like to win - it would be Chip & Kim.
I'm with you, heeven. Chip and the missus. And I also don't like the twins, and I don't know why.
You just have to love to hate Colin & Christie???
Colin needs to be taken out back and whipped on a little!! This guy gives a bad name for the traveling american and just as a guy. (you heard the term "Ugly American" Colin is it.)
Sometimes I think Christie may be "taking it" because she'd rather save face while on tv. She looks like she's smart. I only say that b/c with his temper, she seems to know arguing with him instead of just saying "okay baby" will only make a bigger scene (make them look stupid).
I don't want the twins to win.
The loud mouth blonde mom gets on my nerves.
I am glad the cousins are gone. Bleh.
I like the Models the best. I think they are going to win. Most of the time someone comes up from behind and wins.
Collin and Chirsty = losers. They end up doing them own selves in.
Chip and Kim I like them and wouldn't mind them wining but they need not be nice all the time. They almost lost to the twins. Should have use the Yeild.
The Moms are okay but they are going to falter out.
I think Chip & Kim learned a valuable lesson last night - no more Mr. Nice-Guy. Time to use that Yield methinks. I bet they use it next week!
I was fine with the twins being eliminated.
I do wish Colin would screw up badly so someone else can come in first for a change. I don't like this pattern. Could you imagine what he'd be like if they weren't coming in 1st each week? I see that there is going to be a huge Colin/Christie blow up next week - can't wait!
Oooh. Me too. I can't imagine what Colin will think/is thinking as he watches himself on tv, and how he treated his gf.