MontereyJack wrote:bullshit as always.
You cannot back up your phony claims by pointing out anything untrue in my posts.
MontereyJack wrote:cite what you call evidence which it clearly isn't since there's no basis in reality for the claim.
One reason why progressives are unworthy of respect is the way they refuse to graciously accept their election losses. If they don't graciously accept their losses, why should their opponents?
That is compounded by the way progressives demand instant concession and acceptance of the result when they think they even might be winning (before it is even clear yet). Talk about hypocrisy.
That is the most pertinent reason at the moment since the discussion is about conceding election losses. However, there are also many other reasons why progressives are unworthy of respect.
Another reason why progressives are unworthy of respect is the way they always rely on childish name-calling. You're a welcome exception to this of course. But look at how most other progressives spout endless name-calling.
Another reason why progressives are unworthy of respect is their endless attempts to violate people's civil liberties for no reason other than their own sadistic pleasure.
Another reason why progressives are unworthy of respect is the way they always deny reality and never even try to back up their claims.
Another reason why progressives are unworthy of respect is the way they cheat in elections. The dead coming out to vote in Chicago is
not a positive tradition. And look at the way Al Gore tried to cheat in Florida. For that matter look at the way bobsal mass-downvotes conservative posts on a2k (not an election, but voting is involved).
Another reason why progressives are unworthy of respect is all the witch hunts that they wage against people who disagree with their demented ideology. Progressives are a scourge against innocent people everywhere.