The Case For Biden

Mon 1 Feb, 2021 11:54 pm
You do know the difference between weather and climate, don't you.

I've been living in it for near-on sixty years. We experience cycles, and are in a La Nina one right about now.

Science hasn't called it global warming for ages now. Just climate change.
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 02:43 am
I got the "global heating" phrase from YOUR use of it. I've been calling it climate change for years because that's what the science calls it. It is however true that the major impact on climate CHANGE now is heating caused by human activity. It's headed in one direction. Up. And that's why your fires were so bad last year. And will be aghain. We got a lot of coverage of them in the States, and a lot of statements by Aussie scientists. And they ALL agreed it was mostly due to climate change. They think you're alkl wet (and they don't mean from the rains you're getting in this years weather. Never looked into la Nina's effect on Oz, but if it gives you rain, you know that's gonna get rarer and rarer)
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 02:57 am
Quite stunning just how uninformed that post was.
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 03:10 am
I know what I'm talking about. And you consistently get stuff about the US wrong. And apparently about climate change as well. And you seem to love conspiracy theories. Why is that?
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 03:58 am
You believed that Biden was the only viable candidate in a nation of 337 million people, and you have the cheek to think that I'm into conspiracies.
0 Replies
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 05:02 am
somebody wrote:
You believed that Biden was the only viable candidate in a nation of 337 million people, and you have the cheek to think that I'm into conspiracies.

This is an illogical assertion from someone who is either rather dense or else is trying to fool us into thinking he knows what he's talking about. Notice how he starts out with "You believe" and then makes a totally specious claim. I'd like to see him point to one sentence where MontereyJack, or any other user, has ever stated that "Biden was the only viable candidate". This is a preposterous lie, as no one ever said such a thing — probably not even Joe Biden himself. We all watched the primaries unfold. Maybe this person doesn't know this, but candidates vie against each other to see who receives the most votes. There are plenty of "viable candidates" — the task is to determine which one is the most popular.

Somebody, whose fondness for conspiracy theories is obvious to anyone who bothers to view the links he provides, then tries to connect MontereyJack to the silly claim which he himself made up and labels it a "conspiracy theory". Laughably, he digs himself even deeper into irrelevance — because even if someone believed there was only one "viable candidate", that doesn't fit the definition of a "conspiracy". It would only reflect one person's belief — which neither illustrates, nor requires the existence of, any "conspiracy theory".
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 05:06 am

That's some conspiracy you've got going on there.

Please continue.
0 Replies
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 05:09 am
somebody wrote:
Science hasn't called it global warming for ages now. Just climate change.

Somebody might learn something by looking at this:

Global Warming Shown in NASA Computer Model

Notice that the phenomenon is referred to as "Global Warming".
0 Replies
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 05:19 am
somebody wrote:

Since the total reply only consisted of two short paragraphs this person might be suffering from an attention deficit disorder or some other reading problem.

Or maybe TLDR means "too logical; didn't read".
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 05:26 am
You're tellin' the story. Get it right.

Not like you've ever got a viable plan for your next step.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 06:33 am
hightor wrote:

somebody wrote:
You believed that Biden was the only viable candidate in a nation of 337 million people, and you have the cheek to think that I'm into conspiracies.

This is an illogical assertion from someone who is either rather dense or else is trying to fool us into thinking he knows what he's talking about. Notice how he starts out with "You believe" and then makes a totally specious claim. I'd like to see him point to one sentence where MontereyJack, or any other user, has ever stated that "Biden was the only viable candidate". This is a preposterous lie, as no one ever said such a thing — probably not even Joe Biden himself. We all watched the primaries unfold. Maybe this person doesn't know this, but candidates vie against each other to see who receives the most votes. There are plenty of "viable candidates" — the task is to determine which one is the most popular.

Somebody, whose fondness for conspiracy theories is obvious to anyone who bothers to view the links he provides, then tries to connect MontereyJack to the silly claim which he himself made up and labels it a "conspiracy theory". Laughably, he digs himself even deeper into irrelevance — because even if someone believed there was only one "viable candidate", that doesn't fit the definition of a "conspiracy". It would only reflect one person's belief — which neither illustrates, nor requires the existence of, any "conspiracy theory".


On the other hand...the GOP was taken in by a guy who asserted he was the only viable candidate.

"Only I..." began so many of the comments from the moron, Trump.

0 Replies
Tue 2 Feb, 2021 08:17 pm
Biden v. Diabetics: New Freeze on Trump’s Lower Cost Insulin and Epinephrine Rule Benefits Big Pharma

Human Events Staff

January 25, 2021

Big Pharma did not like Donald Trump, but they certainly like Joe Biden – especially now.

Interestingly enough, during the 2020 election cycle Eli Lilly gave $138,880 to Joe Biden. Perhaps he is just returning the favor.

Biden has faced much scrutiny after the freeze, many wondering what is the point?

Creepy Joe looking after his donor buddies, and screw everyone else.

Wed 3 Feb, 2021 06:07 am
When Builder posts a story, first check the political bias of the source. It didn't take long to discover that the facts of this story are being presented in order to put the new administration in a negative light, as if diabetics, nationwide, would be shelling out huge sums for their insulin. Note the "Biden loves Big Pharma" implication. A little research on Builder's part and he would have realized that there's less to this story than Human Events and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber would have you believe.

But we can also verify that multiple claims that President Biden is increasing the price of insulin are false. The 60-day regulatory freeze is not causing the price of insulin to increase at community health centers, and there is no evidence to suggest the rule would further lower insulin costs at those facilities, which already offer deep discounts on medication.



Biden's White House chief of staff, Ronald Klain, announced a regulatory freeze of “any new and pending rules” as Biden took office on Jan. 20. The freeze on the insulin and epinephrine rule is effective until March 22.

According to Bloomberg Law, "A regulatory pause is a common tradition among incoming presidents to ensure that the unfinished policies from the prior administration align with the new one."

The National Association of Community Health Centers, among others, expressed support for the new administration's move, saying the Trump rule would not have lowered the cost of insulin and EpiPens for most Americans who use them, as advertised.

In a Jan. 25 statement, it also said the Trump rule reflected "a fundamental misunderstanding" of federally qualified health centers and the 340B drug program, placing extensive administrative burdens on them.

“The stated aim was to cut drug prices. However, it triggered alarm among safety net providers and bipartisan lawmakers because it would accomplish the opposite of what the Trump Administration intended — ultimately making it harder for health centers to provide affordable life-saving services and prescription drugs — especially during the pandemic,” the association said.

It pointed out that the only patients affected would be those using the health centers.

The overall prices of insulin and EpiPens across the country are not affected by the Trump administration regulation or the recent action by the Biden administration, the health center association said.

Community health centers serve one in 11 Americans across the country, according to the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration.

Nationally, 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. And nearly one in 50 Americans are at risk for anaphylaxis brought on by certain foods, insect bites, medications and latex, according to a 2013 study by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

But not all of those patients require insulin or epinephrine. And most who live in extreme poverty, or less than 200% of the federal poverty level — an equation that works out to $34,840 for a family of two — already receive free or discounted prescription drugs, a national health policy expert said.

Karyn Schwartz, a senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan nonprofit that analyzes health policy, said some patients served by the 1,400 federally backed health centers nationally, such as those with high deductibles or those who are uninsured and paying list prices for the drugs, would have benefitted from the new pricing rule.


We rate this claim about the Biden administration's action to be MISSING CONTEXT, based on our research. Some patients who use insulin and EpiPens — the fraction who are served by federally qualified health centers — may benefit from Trump's order, but others could suffer if it results in decreased access for the centers to the 340B drug discount program. Also, the freeze through March 22 does not represent final action on the program, so it's premature to call it a "reversal."

Wed 3 Feb, 2021 10:01 am
way to blow it, builder, as usual.
Wed 3 Feb, 2021 06:05 pm
Just for you, boys.

Everything About The Biden Administration Is Fake

Posted by John Titor | Feb 2, 2021

A new exclusive from The Daily Beast titled “White House Reporters: Biden Team Wanted Our Questions in Advance” reports that the White House press corps is being pressured to provide briefing questions ahead of time in a way that makes even mainstream media journalists uncomfortable.

“While it’s a relief to see briefings return, particularly with a commitment to factual information, the press can’t really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want,” one White House correspondent told The Daily Beast. “That’s not really a free press at all.”

“It pissed off enough reporters for people to flag it for the [White House Correspondents Association] for them to deal with it,” another source reportedly said.

While Obama’s deputy press secretary Eric Schultz calls the move “textbook communications work” designed to ensure that Biden’s press secretary has answers ready instead of having to “repeatedly punt questions”, clearly the reporters on the job feel differently.

“The requests prompted concerns among the White House press corps, whose members, like many reporters, are sensitive to the perception that they are coordinating with political communications staffers,” writes the Beast.

Having questions in advance would indeed be a good way to help insulate press secretary Jen Psaki (for whom liberals are already developing an unwholesome celebrity crush) from hard questions. This would avoid sticky situations like when Psaki deflected inquiries about treasury secretary Janet Yellen’s conflict of interest with the Citadel controversy by babbling about Yellen being the first woman in her position and claiming that receiving $800,000 in speaking fees from that company is no reason for her to recuse herself.

So this is just one more item on the steadily growing pile of fake things about this administration. Everything about it is phony. This is the Astroturf Administration.

Biden and his cohorts point-blank lied about sending out $2000 checks.

Deportations are continuing unimpeded despite all the campaign pledges to the contrary.

The kids in cages that made Rachel Maddow cry on air during the Trump administration are still in their cages and will remain there for the foreseeable future.

The pro-environment candidate has authorized dozens of new oil drilling permits within days of taking office.

Re-entering the Iran nuclear deal seems as far off as ever, with the administration continuing Trump’s “maximum pressure campaign” even as Tehran says the US ending its cruel sanctions is a precondition to resuming the deal.

Biden still hasn’t taken any solid steps to end the horrific war on Yemen, or even to end US facilitation of the slaughter as he promised on the campaign trail (he could have taken major steps toward doing this the day he took office and chose not to).

While this president hides from the press due to his rapidly deteriorating ability to answer questions in complete sentences, the mass media churn out think pieces about how taking himself out of the spotlight is actually a brilliant political move.

As Our Hidden History recently put it, “We got sold a sack of political oregano.”

And that’s all the US empire ever is, really: a murderous, tyrannical planetary oppressor covered up by varying degrees of dishonesty. During the Trump administration the depravity was a little more honest about itself, now during the Biden administration it’s a little more dishonest. The only major change is the thickness with which the makeup is slathered over the skull.

Everything about life in our current world order is dominated by phoniness. Our culture is manufactured by Hollywood. Our dominating political structure is manufactured by think tanks. Our perceptions of what’s going on in the world are manufactured in Langley and Arlington. The whole thing is fake and stupid. We’ve got to figure out a way to snap out of these artificial boxes they are placing over our minds and these perceptual filters they are placing over our eyes, and birth something real and authentic into our world.

Republished from CaitlinJohnstone.com with permission

Wed 3 Feb, 2021 06:17 pm
It's been two weeks and you're mad he hasn't overturned most of everything Trump did?

Wed 3 Feb, 2021 07:48 pm
Obama's third term.
Wed 3 Feb, 2021 08:45 pm
Builder wrote:

Obama's third term.

Oh it’s far, far worse for conservatives than just that. Biden’s going to be way more left leaning than Obama was in every way. He’s going to serve the needs of a country that’s becoming more multicultural and more open for lgbtq+. He’s going to be responsive to an environment that is heating up and to an economy that’s turning greener. He’s going to revisit imposing sensible restrictions on military style weapons. He’s going to shore up protections for a woman’s right to choose and strengthen the enforcement of civil rights laws.

You go on thinking it’s a third Obama term. That’s consistent with all the ways you are in the past.

It’s a Biden administration, my retrograde friend.
Thu 4 Feb, 2021 06:34 am
What an odd fantasy. Mr. Biden doesn't have the votes in Congress to do any of that.

He's already started down his path to failure, and he's just going to keep on failing until Mr. Trump is reelected in 2024.

Interesting though that people who hate civil liberties always invoke terms like "sensible".
Thu 4 Feb, 2021 08:37 am
snood is right. conservatives are insensible.

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