Im amazed at how ollie denies all the simplest of facts that have been tested an reexamined for 53 separate cases in which (at least for the lower court hearings) facts have exhaustively been re-established and court opinions delivered. HOWEVER , instead , Ollie merely buys into any of the pointless fact-free assertions that Trumpublicans spume. They continue to buy the BS Even when theyve been totally debunked over and over.
Years ago I had to take some emergency med courses at U f Pa (Expeition stuff) and I watched a film on a Psychiatrist intervieing a catalleptic patient with all kinds of mentals.
The woman said that "Im dead you know?
Dr says "I know your alive"
Woman; "No Im dead"
Dr; "Well, does a dead person feel pain"
Woman; "No a dead person doesnt feel pain"
Dr pinches woman and she winces in pain
"Woman; "Well, all that proves is that dead people DO feel pain"
Either Trumpblicans think like her , or they are just a bunch of traitorous blind followers of Beelzebub Trump and just want him as as an overlord. They really dont give **** aboutRepublican Democracy.
SAme thing happened in Germany in the late 20's and 30's, when a fast talking demagogue arose and conned a nation.
Thats the basis of all conspiracy theories.