Re: acne
In my
TEEN years (which im still in)

I went through alot when it came to pimples. But I did some research and asked a doctor he said the worst thing you could do is Pick, Pop, Cut, or Rub it. Because that leaves scars and it acually starts to bleed and hurt more. But he did recommend getting Nuetrageana Products. :wink: Yes, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. So then i knew I was on my own. What I did was I researched "How to Get Rid Of A Pimple" and I found a very intresting site dermatoligist recommendation.

They showed you steps on getting rid of a pimple the natural way in a matter of
2 days!! It is acually a pretty good method.
Do this method everyday right before you go to bed until the pimples are gone. What you do is
FIRST you clean your face completely no excess make-up, dead skin cells, etc.
SECOND you take a regularly clean washcloth run the sink on
HOT water and just soak the entire washcloth with hot water.
THIRD you take the wash cloth squeeze it out and place it on your entire face (especially the part with the most pimples) for about 1 minute until the washcloth starts cooling down and then do this again.
FOURTH This might sound crazy but it works, get some Q-Tips depending on how many pimples you have and take get some medicated achohol which you can find in a nearby Drug Store (CVS, Duane Reade, WaWa, etc.) and dab the Q-Tip into the achohol and simply press the end of the Q-Tip onto a
pimple then use the other side for another pimple. Keep doing this until all pimples have been dabbed with achohol.
FIFTH Go to sleep and in the morning when you wake-up go straight to the sink and wash your face with a wash cloth then after that look in the mirror and you will see that the size of your pimples have reducted and have gotten smaller. I reccomend that you are
NOT to touch, put on make-up, get dirt on face or anything like that for the whole day because then that will clog up your pores and the whole method you did will be for nothing because the pimples will just get worse. So, that night do the same exact method so on and so on until at least 75% of those pimples are gone! When pimples are gone you can do regualry basic things to your face but I do recommend that you wash off any excess at night or before you go to bed because for example going to bed with make-up on is the
WORST thing you could do it clogs up pres easier and cause blackheads. So ladies and Gentleman if you know whats best for you please take my advise and take care of yourslef and your face.