Me ish new to this....
yea well i just got acne a few days ago...well pimples...loads of em...uuggh anyways, its horrible yuk.. as all of you probably know...i read a lot of the suggestions and they seem pretty good...
my friends and my parents said that i should try these:
drink more water
clean your face every night, every morning, after excercising, after getting dirty....
Dont sleep too late
try to calm down, relax, and not get too stressed
lay low on the junky foods and stick to vegetables and fruits
to clean your face, use hot water and then cold water and a clean cloth or sponge or the such. and dont scrub hard with a lot of soap...that could damage the pores...
when cleaning, soak your face in warm water for about 10-20 minutes after washing with hot water...this cleans out the pores when they have opened cleaning out bacteria. You should rinse afterwards then wash with cold water.
my brother used proactive and it was effective for mild cases...*he wouldnt let me use it so i dont know how well it works for pimples like mine...
dont use makeup so much and dont use fancy lotions
another suggestion was from my aunt..she used lemons and acids or alchohol(only a little) after drenching her face in warm water...she washeed her face and applyed the acid and then left it should do this before watching tv or doing hw or w/e, after a few hours or so, wash the acid off with warm water and rinse with again before sleep...but leave on during the night and wash off in the morning.
ii was also given the suggestion of using tea leaves in the process above. like press the tea leaves onto the pimples after soaking them in hot water for a few minutes until u can see the color of the water turning greenish...then gently pat onto the pimple...
tHese are some of the suggestions i got, there are more i think and i might have forgotten them...i'm trying them out too so i hope they bring you guys some luck ^__^ !!!
im sorry if they dont work....umm well if not i suggest you go to a dermatoligist...i went to one she said to follow the usual rules of cleaning and drinking water and not applying makeup and keeping bacteria out...but im going to see if that works...if it doesnt, well im just going to have to go back...*sigh*