The Clinton Rape Allegations

Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 11:20 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Coastalrat writes:
Ah well, as long as you are consistent regardless of the person or situation. Makes me think about an incident last night. Went with my wife to the grocery store. When we checked out, there were 2 packets of kool-aid in the cart. She accused me of putting them there. I didn't, so I denied it. But the entire trip home, she kept asking me to come clean and kept saying I had put them in the cart because she did not. Well, I know I did not, so I kept denying it. Had I just shut up and said nothing, she would be left with the opinion that I had done it. Good thing it was not you in the car or you would have believed I was guilty because of my denials

The question that comes immediately to mind, are you a Kool-ade junkie CR? Are you in the habit of spiking the grocery order with Kool-ade? If so, your denials in this one incident could quite justifiably be questioned. If not, you will likely be believed.

Now considering the fomer president's denials......need I say more?

Yes, I am a kool-aid junkie. I slipped it into the cart and am in denial. I think I may need to check into a rehab program. Now if only Bill had done that many years ago.....(just joking). I need help badly. And wait, there may have been a cigar in that cart also. Hmmm, now I am starting to wonder about my wife.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 11:21 am
I posted on another link referencing the tendency of the Clinton supporters to trash the women he was involved with along with the suggestion that it was their moral failing, not his.

How well do you think a GOP supporter could get away with an argument like that?
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 11:28 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I posted on another link referencing the tendency of the Clinton supporters to trash the women he was involved with along with the suggestion that it was their moral failing, not his.

How well do you think a GOP supporter could get away with an argument like that?

and it was bullshit on that thread too.... Razz
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 11:31 am
Coastal it's just annoying to me that these girls are pictured as victims....foxfyres comments aside.....I've had a couple of virgins in my life and I prefer a woman who knows her way around a...well, you know, so no judgements here.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 11:37 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Coastal it's just annoying to me that these girls are pictured as victims....foxfyres comments aside.....I've had a couple of virgins in my life and I prefer a woman who knows her way around a...well, you know, so no judgements here.

I agree that some do portray them as victims. I could go into reasons for that, but will pass for now. I believe as you do that all parties were to blame here. As far as I am concerned, it is my opinion that any person who would have an affair with a married person is a slut (or the male version of a slut, whatever that may be). Just as the married person is nothing more than scum for cheating on his partner (would like a stronger word for scum, just can't think of one on the spur of the moment).

Which is why I have no respect for Clinton the man. And no respect for the women who voluntarily fell for his advances.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 02:22 pm
swolf wrote:
The overwhelming weight of evidence is that Slick is a serial rapist who was allowed to serve out his second term for purely political reasons, i.e. ecause nobody could stomach the idea of turning the presidency over to Al Gore at the time.

The overwhelming weight of evidence is that your allegations are slanderous and have no proof considering Clinton has never been charged or convicted of any sexual assault. Clinton completed his second term because the Senate understood our founding fathers did not consider consensual infidelity a high crime or misdemeanor. You apparently know zero about the sex lives of all our other former presidents - including Bush I - or you wouldn't make such a ludicrous claim.

swolf wrote:
Ken Starr clearly figured that the perjury case against Slick for lying to a federal grand jury was the simplest and easiest to prosecute of all Slick's various crimes and he was basically correct.

Ken Starr hung his hat on three consensual blow jobs with an adult because none of his other investigations turned up any wrongdoing. Clearly, you're one of the Bushinistas who would rather propogate libel and slander by perpetuating these falsehoods than actually read Starr's report.

swolf wrote:
Jerome Zeifman, the chief council for the house judiciary committee at the time of Watergate and the man most responsible for getting rid of Nixon, noted that he would impeach Clinton for three obvious cases of bribery, i.e.

I don't give a rat's ass what Zeifman said he would or wouldn't do. My tax dollars paid $70 million for Ken Starr and his team to investigate all things Clinton and they exonerated Clinton on every allegation.

And btw, Monica Lewinsky was not a teenager, as you have suggested in your hypothetical analogies.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 03:59 pm
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 04:42 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:

swolf wrote:
Jerome Zeifman, the chief council for the house judiciary committee at the time of Watergate and the man most responsible for getting rid of Nixon, noted that he would impeach Clinton for three obvious cases of bribery, i.e.

I don't give a rat's ass what Zeifman said he would or wouldn't do. My tax dollars paid $70 million for Ken Starr and his team to investigate all things Clinton and they exonerated Clinton on every allegation.

Saying "Hey, the SOB is guilty as hell but we don't have the balls to heave him" is not what most people would call "exoneration".

To tell you the honest truth you don't sound like somebody who's ever made enough money to worry about how much of it went to taxes or what that got spent on; nonetheless, let me tell you what I figure that $70 million got spent on and why I figure it was a major bargain.

I don't really figure Slick as the Antichrist as many conservatives do simply because I don't believe in that sort of thing but, as Fats Waller would have put it, he'll pretty much have to do until the real thing comes along. Slick just about woke up every morning of his life saying 'Thank you, Lord, for giving me another 18 waking hours with which to **** over the United States.'

It never stopped. Aside from things like Grand Staircase and Chinagate which cost the nation hundreds of billions to trillions, and aside from any danger which things like Chinagate might ultimately put our country in and aside from the devastation of our military and the ignoring of terrorism, and of Jamie Gorelick's "wall" which was designed to keep FBI flashlights out of Chinagate, and the damage all of those perverted policies have caused to our nation, there is the category of things which an American citizen could go to hell for simply for paying taxes, the most major of which was Kosovo.


This little girl's name was Milica Rakic. At three years of age when she died, hundreds of kilometers away from any legitimate military target in Serbia in 1999, she could probably claim to have been Slick Clinton's youngest female victim.

Any day on which Slick Clinton could have been kept tied up with impeachment proceedings, was a day on which he could not be harming the United States, or children like Milica Rakic. If the impeachment could have been kept rolling for another 12 months for the piddling sum of $70, or $140, or $280 million dollars, Milica Rakic would be alive today, and her blood would not be on the hands of American taxpayers.

Think about it.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 04:45 pm
Gawd, it's dank at the bottom of the barrel.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 04:48 pm
Shocked Rolling Eyes

There's some nice men outside waiting for you, pal.

They've got a lovely white dinner jacket in your size (real stylish; it has ties in the back), and they're going to take you to the fanciest restaurant in town and let you order anything you like.

Don't keep them waiting. Run along.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 04:52 pm
PDiddie wrote:
Shocked Rolling Eyes

There's some nice men outside waiting for you, pal.

They've got a lovely white dinner jacket in your size (real stylish; it has ties in the back), and they're going to take you to the fanciest restaurant in town and let you order anything you like.

Don't keep them waiting. Run along.

You're starting to sound like a "hater" there, Pdiddler...
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 05:15 pm
Problem with haters and obsessed people like Swolf is that their informations are imaginary product of their own "mind", as well as of few others that share their beliefs (I wonder if there's new cult somewhere in his backyard).
So, his hate completely shadows things that could or might be true, as well as his constant lies and false informations do the same (from making up newspapers that never existed, over pasting payed ads as "Washingon times articles", to unbelievable, absolutely unbeliavable urge to lie even when he actually has point).
With latter I think of one of real Clinton's crimes aka NATO bombing of Serbia because of Kosovo. That really was "Wag the dog" scenario, and although truth is far away from Swolf's ideas, it was also far away from Clinton's/NATO's ideas. It was like bombing Spain because dealing with Basque terrorists. And, believe me, being Croat I would never say such thing if not necessary.

Problem is however that people like swolf will use anything to spread their lies including dead kids. Nothing can approve death of this little girl, but she was killed in building pretty near military complex and not hundreds of miles away from it. Not to go further in explaning that there is no place in Serbia that is hundreds of miles away from military complex.

But, even that's not problem.
Problem is that YOU used her picture, and YOU used that poor girl for your obsessive problems.

Milica Rakic and Iraqi kids killed at many places and in many ocassions, like at wedding for example, are same victims of same politics.

However, your blind hate towards Clinton and Islam (among others) stops you to see that. Not that you will ever be able to realize that.
And definitely not that I am adressing this post to you at first place.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 06:21 pm
swolf wrote:
This little girl's name was Milica Rakic. At three years of age when she died, hundreds of kilometers away from any legitimate military target in Serbia in 1999,

Serbia, lol.

Slobodan Milosevic is a war criminal guilty of crimes against humanity, and on trial at The Hague for said war crimes.

But (( claps )) for you openly admitting your support of a heinous war criminal. You must've forgotten the Republicans - with an adamant Bob Dole as their Senate Majority leader - fully supporting Clinton's actions in Bosnia, Kosovo, etc.

I presume you'd defend Hitler if Rush Pillbaugh and his ilk told you to.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 06:39 pm
buffy, i've missed your postings. good to read you again.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 06:43 pm
oh no lol Very Happy now we will have to see another huge Swolf's post filled with links such as "serbian network", documentaries of unknown serbian authors about how Serbs are great, and few die-hard communists wannabes around the world supporting Milosevic.
Funniest thing is that Serbia and Iraq had extremely close ties during Milosevic's regime, I wonder how Swolf got over that....

But maybe it will be fun after all. So far I found out that Yugoslavia was consisted of 25 countries (and those communists were such a liars that we thought it's only six), that Slovenia, Bosnia and Croatia attacked Serbia and not vice versa (which actually means that I am Serb and those rockets I had to avoid four years were croatian rockets), etc....

Btw, Swolfie...breaking news for you:

Cavic says war crimes were committed | 18:13 June 23 | FoNet

BANJALUKA -- Wednesday – Republic of Srpska President Dragan Cavic said today in a statement to the Commission for Incidents in Srebrenica that war crimes were committed by the Serbian military in Srebrenica in July of 1995.

Cavic said that there is no forgiving those people who committed these war crimes and that the period between July 10 and 19, 1995 will forever be a dark page in the history of the Serbian people.


Now, those Serbs are really unbeliavable. Their presidents admiting crimes while Swolf is sure that it was all just BS....
Or not, but since those were Muslims who cares...
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 07:25 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:
swolf wrote:
This little girl's name was Milica Rakic. At three years of age when she died, hundreds of kilometers away from any legitimate military target in Serbia in 1999,

Serbia, lol.

Slobodan Milosevic is a war criminal guilty of crimes against humanity, and on trial at The Hague for said war crimes.

I'll repost this since you seem to have missed it. Check out a few of the links.

The International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic:



This is Slobodan Milosevic, an innocent man being tried by a so-called International Criminal
Tribunal in the Hague, Holland, presumably for attempting to deport (or ethnically cleanse)
albanian islammites from a Serbian province for barbaric conduct over a protracted period of time:


One assumes that the Dutch are practicing to try themselves for ethnic cleansing and genocide,
since they themselves are now beginning to expell muslims from their own country:


also for barbaric conduct over a protracted period of time:


An unbiased observer would be excused for assuming that barbaric conduct over protracted periods of time is a sort of an islammite specialty.

Now, one way to prevent yourself from being charged with hypocricy, is to start torturing people. For the same reason that nobody would ever charge Al Capone with shoplifting, nobody would ever charge somebody like Adolf Eichman or Joseph Mengele with hypocrisy.

Thus it comes out that a prosecutioni witness in this trial of Slobodan Milosevic stood up in the courtroom and stated that prosecutors had attempted to torture an accusation against Milosevic out of him:


Now, in an American courtroom, that would be the instantaneous end of the trial and the prosecutor's career (doing anything other than washing dishes in the courtroom cafeteria) right there.

Thus there should be a question of how Americans would want to be associated with this process
even before you consider the fact that Americans soundly reject the entire premise of the ICC
and have gone as far as to pass a law requiring the president of the United States to use military force to rescue any
American being held by that "tribunal":


In other words, Holland would face the armed might of the United States military were it to try to do to any American what it is doing to Milosevic.


Opponents of the court would like an ironclad guarantee that the court would never try an American. Absent such a commitment, they want to block creation of the court by pressing countries not to ratify the treaty. This position may prevail in the administration, although more moderate officials would prefer to see Washington simply renounce its own signature of the treaty. The House, for its part, recently passed a bill that would require America to cut off military aid to most countries that ratify the treaty, unless they pledge never to surrender an American to the court. The bill also authorizes Washington to use force to rescue Americans - even from the Netherlands, where the court will be based.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 07:29 pm
I told you Buffy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 07:35 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:

But (( claps )) for you openly admitting your support of a heinous war criminal. You must've forgotten the Republicans - with an adamant Bob Dole as their Senate Majority leader - fully supporting Clinton's actions in Bosnia, Kosovo, etc.

Bob Dole does not speak for all republicans and republicans made as much of an effort as they could at the time to shut the Kosovo operation down, even denying Slick a simple sense of congress resolution approving the operation.

Part of the problem was Albanian drug money flowing into the coffers of American pols, including, unfortunately, Dole and a few other republicans.

But the problem was mainly democrats and Slick. The story which was on the front page of all American newspapers in the weeks prior to Kosovo was the Broaddrick rape allegation. Likewise in the case of Iraq and Slick's missile attack the day before he was impeached, granted you could make a case for attacking Iraq at the time, but Slick obviously didn't give a rat's ass about the merits of any particular case involving Iraq. He'd obviously been saving that one in his hip pocket for a rainy day and figured impeachment was rainy enough.

The standard definition of "chutzvah" in Yiddish dictionaries involved the example of the kid who murdered his parents and then demanded leniency because he was an orphan. That will change. The new definition will use the example of the president who starts a war the day before he's impeached and then has some flunky like Dick Gephardt try to keep his face straight while claiming that it's unpatriotic to start an impeachment with a war in progress.
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 07:46 pm
Btw, dissection:

Link 1 - Srpska Mreza /Serbian Network/ - cheapest possible propaganda, something like "Hitler was nice guy and concentration camps for Jews were actually refugee camps where only dead people were those that died of eating too much"

Link 2 - for unkown reason here, this link is link about Netherlands making more harsh immigration laws (which Swolf somehow understands as expelling Muslims from their country)

Link 3 - more or less same

Link 4 - funniest of all: particular link gives funny interpretation how one wittness is more important then hundreds of others, but even more funny is that same page calls everything related to US intervention on Iraq "flagrant lies", few times makes parallels between Bush government and Nazi Germany (as well as between Israel and Nazis), and so on. So, I suppose Swolf is in serious conflict with himself while providing this link Very Happy

Link 5 - I am sorry, I changed my mind. This one is even more funny.
Here's one of quotes from this one:

"After the arrest of Milosevic, let nobody say that a robust policy to promote and protect human rights cannot make a difference.

After the arrest of Milosevic, let nobody say that a robust policy to promote and protect human rights cannot make a difference.

Our policy in the Balkans has made a difference. Two years ago, Milosevic's thugs were terrorising Kosovo. Today he is in jail. The people of Serbia could never have risen against him if Nato had let him become stronger through victory in Kosovo.
The fall of Milosevic is a warning to dictators everywhere that the world is changing and that they cannot expect to escape justice.

Today, the House of Commons has the chance to give a further warning to dictators by giving a second reading to the bill to ratify the statute establishing the international criminal court."
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Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 07:47 pm
MyOwnUsername wrote:

Btw, Swolfie...breaking news for you:

Cavic says war crimes were committed | 18:13 June 23 | FoNet

BANJALUKA -- Wednesday - Republic of Srpska President Dragan Cavic said today in a statement to the Commission for Incidents in Srebrenica that war crimes were committed by the Serbian military in Srebrenica in July of 1995.

The real story of Srebrenica:


Croatia's part in WW-II:


Croatia today:



"A German tank rolls through a small village, and the peasants rush out, lining the road with their right arm raised in Nazi salute as they chanted "Heil Hitler." Mobs chased minorities from their homes, kicking them, and pelting them with eggs as they flee into the woods. Europe in the 1942s? No Croatia in the 1990s." (The Washington Times, 15 June 1997) . From the Evening Standard of London, 7 August 1995, "Victory smiles that hide the roots of evil, Edward Pearce writes, "but you can understand Croatia best by saying flatly that if there is one place in the world where a statue of Adolf Hitler would be revered, it would be in Zagreb." And from the International Herald Tribune, 4 September 1995, "Croatia Eradicates Traces of its Serbs, Army Loots and Burns Krajina Homes."

With US military aid and technology and training by the Military Professional Resources, Inc., (MPRI) Croatian forces "ethnically cleansed" over 250,000 Serbs from their ancestral Krajina land (the largest exodus since WWII), slaughtered over 5,000, and those too elderly or infirm to flee remained only to have their throats slit or a bullet to the back of the head. Furthermore, Croatian jets bombed and strafed fleeing refugees without one word of condemnation from the "civilized" world.

Stella Jatros, the author of that article, is Greek and not Serbian. For some funny reason, people in the surrounding countries often seem to vouch for the character of the Serbs.

Croatian guide to the English language (judging from MyOwnUsername at least):

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