Buffy, in my opening post on this thread I said "I have no clue whether slick was guilty of rape or not, and
I really couldn't care less how much consensual sex he's had." That was right after you yawned. But, since you seem to be spoiling for a fight, and are arguing a pretty silly position I'll accommodate you just for sport
with the disclaimer that I still couldn't care less how much consenting sex Clinton had or with whom.
buffytheslayer wrote: OCCOM BILL wrote:Lightwizard wrote:Monica may have reformed from blowing every man in sight, so you may have to settle for one of her handbags.
Wow, that must be a long list of recipients. Can you name
any other than Clinton?
The people who know so little of the actual sequence of events, and about Monica herself, boggles the mind.
Why on earth might that be? The number of people who have studied the details of the "actual sequence of events, and about Monica herself" boggles my mind.
buffytheslayer wrote: I don't think Monica was or is a ho bag. But Monica already had an affair with a married teacher before she ever met Bill. And while I found the media exploitation of this nonsense beyond insane, even the former lover teacher said Monica has a jonzing for hummers. Does that make her bad? No. Does that make her oh so poor wuttle young thing who was manipulated by the evil older man? Get freaking real.

I am quite real my dear and don't recall ever putting her in the "poor wuttle young thing" category. I happen to like women who like and know what to do with a dick. :wink:
buffytheslayer wrote: On top of that, Clinton refused to have intercourse with her - much to her dismay (and because he feared her getting pregnant), would never say he loved her - much to her dismay, and was adamant that he would never leave his wife. And before you think Yeah you're a Clinton supporter, this information all comes from Monica's book.
Did you happen to notice while reading that book that Monica is still very much a Clinton supporter?

At least; that's the impression I got when I watched her special on TV.
buffytheslayer wrote: During the year in which Monica and Bill had no contact, she began dating a guy her age she met while at the Pentagon. And got pregnant by this guy. And had an abortion. Feel free to read Monica's Story for her own version of the events, in which you would learn all of the above in her own words.
I don't really see the relevance of that paragraph. During every year I wasn't dating a particular person, you can bet your last dollar I was dating another. I've known quite a few women who have had abortions too. That fact alone helps me categorize them not at all.
buffytheslayer wrote: Monica was not a victim and Bill was not an evil predator who should've known better simply because he was older. They were both consenting adults who used collossally poor judgement for different reasons but are no more or no less equally at fault for their mistake.
let's examine the paragraph that set you off in the first place, shall we?
OCCOM BILL wrote:It strikes me as terribly odd that those who most strenuously insist Clinton's sex life is immaterial are the same people bashing Monica for hers. The young woman saw an opportunity to fool around with the most powerful man in the world, and took it. So what. If either of their characters deserves to be attacked for it, I'd lean towards the older, wiser, married one who was in the position of power at the time. The hypocrisy of defending Clinton by smearing Monica for the same act is absurd. Admit it, and never do it again.
(highlighted added poor the following points.
IF, LEAN- were used to demonstrate that I really don't care.
OLDER- The Rhodes Scholar is considerably older. There is a reason one has to be 35 or older to hold office in the first place.
WISER- Do you really not expect the leader of the free world to be wiser than a horny teenage intern?
MARRIED- Now if that avatar is a picture of you, no band of gold would dissuade me, but if I was representing 280,000,000 I might consider appearances a little.
POSITION OF POWER AT THE TIME- You don't have to be a Rhodes Scholar to know damn well that the higher your office, the higher the liability for banging the secretary becomes. Right or wrong, people have gone nuts over the sexual harassment thing
and it's no secret.
HYPOCRISY- Since the above items are all true; every bit of mud slung at Monica for her role in this comedy should be visited doubly on the older, wiser, married President of the free world. Don't you think?
Edit= Mispelled Rhodes Scholar.