Ah well, as long as you are consistent regardless of the person or situation. Makes me think about an incident last night. Went with my wife to the grocery store. When we checked out, there were 2 packets of kool-aid in the cart. She accused me of putting them there. I didn't, so I denied it. But the entire trip home, she kept asking me to come clean and kept saying I had put them in the cart because she did not. Well, I know I did not, so I kept denying it. Had I just shut up and said nothing, she would be left with the opinion that I had done it. Good thing it was not you in the car or you would have believed I was guilty because of my denials.
Anyway, as far as Starr's motivation is concerned, I do not doubt that part of the motivation was political. Heck, I would be surprised if it wasn't partly driven by politics. That is the nature of things in Washington I am afraid. Get the guy from the other party no matter what. Find the dirt and expose it. Guess we all get what we vote for.