If we go back to the cause, did the UN have the right to create Israel ? It can hardly be Israels fault for fighting for survival .
Palestine, Jordan and Israel were created from Transjordan lands . Jordan (renamed from Transjordan in 1949) immediately set about taking back Palestine (which the British supported) . Iraq and Jordan signed a Defence Pact which worried Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia who saw the two having designs on Lebanon, the Hejaz (part of Arabia) and Syria next if Jordan took back Palestine .
When Israel was created each side set about massacring civilians . The rich Palestinians left for better places . The Arab nations decided to wipe Israel off the map, forgetting for now their differences . Despite having next to no equipment at the start, Israel held its own against the fully equipped and in many cases British trained Arabs . When the smoke cleared of the 1,200,000 Palestinian Arabs, 750,000 had fled due to the fighting or when forcibly removed by Israel . 700,000 Jews had been forcibly removed from European and Arab countries and told to live in Israel .
More than 1.4 million Palestinians still live in 58 recognized refugee camps, while more than 5 million Palestinians live outside Israel and the Palestinian territories. The camp occupants have been prevented from settling in Arab countries by pressure from the PLO and its descendants in order to maintain political pressure .
So...who is in the right ?