Please act in a realistic way by recogzing the falling facts:
1) You are surrounded by enemies who do not like you...their only wish is that even your memory disappear...so the land of Israel can become part of the great Arab land without "Foreigners" [non muslin peoples]
2] Unlike the last occupiers [British empire] never bar the gates to the land of Israel to thy overseas breather...…
3]If You must with the L-D-s help invade a country to rescue thy breather...Invade....no matter how many resolutions the United Nations pass...
4] Consider very carefully the leader you vote for..even if their a successful Politian like Golda Mier or a military hero like Moshe Dayan...if they ever advocate giving up one bit of sand of the Land of Israel from the boundries which the L-D set up after the return from Egypt....DO NOT VOTE FOR THAT PERSON
5] Any person elected Leader of Land of Israel must not fall into the falling traps...that it was by thy own strength Israel was populated by Jews {remember give full credit to the L-D in ALL and everything!!!} ...nor must you ever try making Israel the 51st state of the United States...or another republic of the Russian Confederation.....nor ever a part of any country of Europe [The graveyard of European Jewey] , Africa; Middle East [now nearly all Judenfrei] or Asia...Israel must stand apart as being the People of the Book
6] In regard to the gentile Arab Population....go back to when the Jews starting settling in communities from outside Israel...every Arab tribe; Clan; village and community...that has attacked and rejoiced everytime a Jewish person has been killed....the only solution..is to expel them from the land...let not a trace of them remain..not even their sewing nettles as they say..then razed their abandonded villages and settle Jewish families ...when it comes to trusting the words of Gentiles and trusting the L-D...TRSUT the L-D always.
7] Inreard to the temple Mount...if agiators cry out agains the Jews from their expel tham as well...and close the gates...let no one in...do not build a stone temple of your own violation....let the L-D choose ...and in the meantime let the "THird Temple" [i.e living breathing Jews who believe in teir heasrts minds bodies and souls in the Torah.}..let them worship at the Western Wall....let no mob come aginst them