Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2015 05:58 pm
Look who is talking. You pretend that Israel will produce a two state solution, after they kill off all the palistianins in the land they are continuing to steal. When they get done I can just hear their bloody prime minister saying we would like to have a pal. state but there arnt any palistinians left so Israel will just have to administer the whole place. You are the ultimate hypocrite.
Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2015 09:36 pm
My enemy is my friend work for you much?
I've no idea what that paradox means . I am familiar with the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but not what you said .
Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2015 09:41 pm
Look who is talking. You pretend that Israel will produce a two state solution, after they kill off all the palistianins in the land they are continuing to steal. When they get done I can just hear their bloody prime minister saying we would like to have a pal. state but there arnt any palistinians left so Israel will just have to administer the whole place. You are the ultimate hypocrite.
WTF ? I said I want a ONE..count them...ONE...count them again....ONE....state solution . It is people I care about, not stupid lines drawn on a map . If the Israelis have such little dicks as to want the old borders as part of their over compensating or security needs then go with the flow, dont swim against the current . SAVE PEOPLE - NOT LINES ON MAPS !

Can I help clarify that some more or do you understand ?
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Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2015 09:09 am
You should be cause you got it down to a science, pretend all you want is good for Palestine while giving Israel all.
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2015 09:37 am
I dont give a rats arse whats good for Palestine, it is a piece of dirt with a line around it on some one's piece of paper . I care about the Palestinian people, and they are suffering . How long will that continue so you can have a cause ? Dont imagine for a minute that Israel is going to lose this one . The Arabs dont care about the Palestinians . Meanwhile the human misery goes on .

You know there are whales or something you can save ...
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2015 10:19 am
You only ask the people of Palestine and the Israeli Arabs to give up their homeland and their pride and go to countries who do not want them. With friends like these...
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2015 10:37 am
You only ask the people of Palestine and the Israeli Arabs to give up their homeland and their pride and go to countries who do not want them. With friends like these...
Ok, how workable is your solution ? And I ask them so their children will have a better life . Arab countries dont want them because the Palestinian Authorities, your friends, wont let them integrate but keep them in camps .
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Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2015 11:18 am
revelette2 wrote:
You only ask the people of Palestine and the Israeli Arabs to give up their homeland and their pride and go to countries who do not want them. With friends like these...

You had your chance to negotiate a two-state solution based on 1967 borders. You decided that you'd rather keep on attacking Israel.

You blew it. Next time try making peace when it's offered.
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Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2015 09:30 pm
You are just another fool looking for a cause to discuss over coffee . Dont pretend to actually care for people, you only care about map lines and your self esteem . How viable economically would your Palestinian state be ?
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Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2018 12:00 pm
Dont use the following Novel as a basis for teaching History..James Michners the Source..it has serious errors...For example King Josiah of Judea was not insane...but see the Rabbinic commentary of why he died...also it skips a full 70 years from 1880 to 1948....doesn't explain about the rise of Zionism..or the 56 years of moral combat between Ben Gurions left wing labor parties and Jaboninsky's right wing revionists…..nor the Jewish Communities of Land of Israel in World war II {The first Jewish casualty of 1939 was a young refugee killed by a British patrol in Tel Aviv as he was feeling the Germans in Europe}...None of the main FICTIONAL Jewish characthers such as the Zefat Rabbi or Eliav appear in good mortal outlooks..in fact the Rabbi is drawn as a caricature of a person obbessed with details..than real piety...example in the 1948 war Eliav extreme atheist secularized wife has a combination of being spirtualy alone; anger and arrogance--the anger came from unresolved rage at the fact that her grandfather -a refugee from the Czar--had tried to set up a kibbituz and for his pains had been beaten and humiliated by a group of orthodox jews ; the arrogance is from her asseration that their will be no need for Rabbis in the new state; In return all the Rabbi can do is 1) refuse to help defend his community from Arab armies except hope to die a martyr 2} continually try to assert his authority that the Torah "is what the Rabbis say it is" and that only the "Rabbis can keep it pure.." he does not try show by example that the only way Jews can remains Jews is only by living their lives as "people of the Book"; in 1964 the Rabbi appear again as the Judge in acase of a widow those husband had abondeded her; then bigamously married again and then died in a accident. Now a widow..she tries to seek permission to be married again..yet her brother refuses to give it...and the Rabbi supports the brother. Although "Knowledgable" the Rabbi appears to forget the moral lesson that those who are cruel to widows are punished by the L-D {See Rabbinic commntary of King Abijah of Judea on why his reign was so short}.. as for Eliav there are some more cases similar to the widows which he appears unable to solve...a jewish couple from India who are not appected as fully Jewish since they cant prove a unbroken 700 year old lineage {solution [possible} as them if they believe in the 13th preceints of believing what it is to be Jewish in order to find the extent of what they believe}; ...a devout United states Jewish comes to Jerusalem to open a kosher restraurant...yet is frustrated beyond belief because at the last second he has to continually change everything to be Kosher {solution possible-set out an outline step by step to be Kosher at the beginning of the process]; lastly the case of a son of a deceased Jewish man who is not considered Jewish because his mother is a gentile {Solution-while its true that in mixed marraiges Jewish cannot be automatically inherited from a non-Jewish mother...that question comes to mind...was the son ever asked about his exposure of his fathers religion? was he ever asked if he would willingly accept the Iron yoke of Torah obligations? If he answears yes in sincereity with his heart that he would...then have him go through a formal conversion process] indeed Eliav...while on the one hand as a Cohen doesn't marry the divorved widow of a decesased Jew does obeys the Law regarding ritual purity...he does break it....as he walks on the Tell where his wife was killed-even though Cohens must stay away from graveyards again regarding ritual purity! {The last remakrs on his future hint that he will work for Peace...as a matter of fact at Heart he is a peaenik...even as the Arabs fled in 1948..he begs them to stay....shadows of the Peace Now movement???]] as regards the "hero" of the book that is the Arab Jemail...descendent of a family whose one cominment is to stay on the {Land of Israel] at any price ,,no matter what flag or religion....incidently the only logical way he could still be a descendent of the Crusader knight who were killed by the mamlukes..is the fact that he must be a descendant of a baseborn child of the last crusader of the Castle makor and his mistress!!!

In other words "The Source" is a noval with a lot of fiction and a few facts thrown in for good measure....about the same reflection of History as the movie "Braveheart" is to Edward "Longshankes" of England or Robert the Bruce of Scotland real...history!!!!
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:57 am
Please act in a realistic way by recogzing the falling facts:
1) You are surrounded by enemies who do not like you...their only wish is that even your memory disappear...so the land of Israel can become part of the great Arab land without "Foreigners" [non muslin peoples]
2] Unlike the last occupiers [British empire] never bar the gates to the land of Israel to thy overseas breather...…
3]If You must with the L-D-s help invade a country to rescue thy breather...Invade....no matter how many resolutions the United Nations pass...
4] Consider very carefully the leader you vote for..even if their a successful Politian like Golda Mier or a military hero like Moshe Dayan...if they ever advocate giving up one bit of sand of the Land of Israel from the boundries which the L-D set up after the return from Egypt....DO NOT VOTE FOR THAT PERSON
5] Any person elected Leader of Land of Israel must not fall into the falling traps...that it was by thy own strength Israel was populated by Jews {remember give full credit to the L-D in ALL and everything!!!} ...nor must you ever try making Israel the 51st state of the United States...or another republic of the Russian Confederation.....nor ever a part of any country of Europe [The graveyard of European Jewey] , Africa; Middle East [now nearly all Judenfrei] or Asia...Israel must stand apart as being the People of the Book
6] In regard to the gentile Arab Population....go back to when the Jews starting settling in communities from outside Israel...every Arab tribe; Clan; village and community...that has attacked and rejoiced everytime a Jewish person has been killed....the only solution..is to expel them from the land...let not a trace of them remain..not even their sewing nettles as they say..then razed their abandonded villages and settle Jewish families ...when it comes to trusting the words of Gentiles and trusting the L-D...TRSUT the L-D always.
7] Inreard to the temple Mount...if agiators cry out agains the Jews from their expel tham as well...and close the gates...let no one in...do not build a stone temple of your own violation....let the L-D choose ...and in the meantime let the "THird Temple" [i.e living breathing Jews who believe in teir heasrts minds bodies and souls in the Torah.}..let them worship at the Western Wall....let no mob come aginst them
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 09:38 am
You aren't defending Israel as a modern democracy. You are defending Israel as a myth. There are so factual problems in your ideology it isn't worth arguing. As long as you believe that Israel is the persecuted people of God fighting against barbarians... there is no chance to discuss a peaceful, democratic solution.

In a modern democracy.

1) People have equal rights... and are judged by what they do as individuals (not punished due to alleged crimes of their ethnic group).

2) The State follows the rules and holds to Democratic principles in spite of difficulties. If the government is knocking down people's houses without giving them a chance to defend themselves in an impartial court, there is a problem.

Israel has time and time again went to the extreme... when they didn't have to. You can argue that the Palestinians have done the same, and you would be right. But Israel is pretending to be a modern Democracy, and they are responsible for the stinking mess they (along with the Palestinians) have created.

I personally think that the US should just butt out. If neither Israel nor the Palestinians can't act like modern civilized nations, then lock them in a room and let them fight it out (without our support). When they have had enough of this silly little nationalist conflict, they can ask for real help in figuring out the peace plan that most sane people know should have happened in the first place.

The US is responsible for this mess by supporting the religious/nationalistic nonsense at the core of this interminable crisis.

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 01:24 pm
I blame the Brits.
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Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 02:20 pm
there is no chance to discuss a peaceful, democratic solution.

No, there is not when you are dealing with Islam.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 07:19 pm
Of course, because we all know that democracy is government by people and Muslims aren't human beings.

Ironically in Germany, a Christian country, during the Nazi regime they used to say the same things about Jews.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 07:40 pm
Of course, because we all know that democracy is government by people and Muslims aren't human beings.

You have it backwards. Non-Muslims are not human beings. I posted quotes that prove Islam says that. Case closed.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 08:45 pm
Your explanations of what Muslims believe is just like Nazi explanations of what Jews believed.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2018 09:04 pm
Your explanations of what Muslims believe

They are not mine, they are Muhammad's. It is what devout Muslims believe. Face it. Islam is an enemy to everything I, and I hope many others, hold dear. You do not want to admit that so you never will. I have proven what I have said, you have not, and cannot.
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