What's your dream car?

Tue 28 Jul, 2020 06:02 pm
Once again, you cannot provide any examples of me ever talking about aiming a shotgun.

You are lying about me because you lack the ability to refute anything that I say.
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 07:09 pm
you cannot provide any examples of me ever talking about aiming a shotgun
ctually , there are two folks whove gotten lotsa fun giving you **** about that. Gungasnake and I both were making fun of you. If you cannot recall that epiode, I now understand why you have this overinflated view of yourself , youre senile.

My aha moment with you. Ive often wondered why you have only on or two different lines of reason.
You still are avoidong answering the car Tranny question.
Another epidode of approach/avoidance syndrome of which you are a "Manifestor majour"
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 07:41 pm
farmerman wrote:
Actually , there are two folks whove gotten lotsa fun giving you **** about that. Gungasnake and I both were making fun of you.


farmerman wrote:
If you cannot recall that epiode, I now understand why you have this overinflated view of yourself , youre senile.

You know very well that I can recall it, as I link the discussion every single time you lie about it.


The fact that you are so dishonest that you keep lying about it even in the face of evidence shows just how dishonorable you really are.

Here's an example of a previous time when I linked the conversation to challenge your lies about it:

farmerman wrote:
My aha moment with you.

No, it's just one more instance of you lying about me because you cannot point out any untrue statements in my posts.

farmerman wrote:
Ive often wondered why you have only on or two different lines of reason.

Do you ever wonder why you are incapable of challenging my reasoning?

farmerman wrote:
You still are avoidong answering the car Tranny question.
Another epidode of approach/avoidance syndrome of which you are a "Manifestor majour"

It's just another of your personal attacks because you are incapable of challenging anything that I say.

Your lies and your personal attacks bore me.
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 07:59 pm
exactly. Heres the very quote from the thread, It was made by Gungasnake. He and I challenged your unfamiliarity with handling a shotgun. Also an M-16.
If you ver have field training in the mil use of a shotgun or in its use in sporting or small game hunting you know you dont aim

as gunga said he was addressing me, not you

Quote:(Me to oralloy)
youve fired a shotgun I assume?

(Gunga to me ABOUT oralloy)
The two of us may be the only ones here who know what you are referring to.

You don''t aim a shotgun, you'd never hit anything with it if you did. Using a shotgun properly is similar to baseball or tennis, the gun becomes part of your body and you watch the target, not the gun

I recall a time before that when you excoriating me for calling a 5 round or 10 round magazine, a "clip" (You pprolly werent familiar with the various ammo devices an M 16 could support(clips to banana clips and drums and tumblers).

You claim such superior knowledge about guns but you never seem to be fully informed about actual vernacular of use.

I never opened any further discussions with you about stuff like xplosives because the one time you werent trying to talk about nukes you made a nice mess of the wording. I always let it slide.
You just pissed me off tonite and I had such a nice vacation.

You still have avoided the tranny question. Thats ok, Ill assume your silence just means lack of knowledge. Ill bask in your upcoming revilement knowing thats all you got.

Stay as you are, our village needs you.

Tue 28 Jul, 2020 08:28 pm
farmerman wrote:
He and I challenged your unfamiliarity with handling a shotgun.

Again you are lying. I never addressed shotguns in any way in that conversation.

farmerman wrote:
Also an M-16.

That would be your unfamiliarity with the use of the M16.

I'm not the one who claimed that they could be aimed when fired from the hip.

farmerman wrote:
I recall a time before that when you excoriating me for calling a 5 round or 10 round magazine, a "clip" (You pprolly werent familiar with the various ammo devices an M 16 could support(clips to banana clips and drums and tumblers).

It certainly doesn't sound like you know the difference between a magazine and a clip even today. But I doubt I excoriated you for using the wrong terminology.

Unless perhaps you were trying to belittle me because you couldn't challenge my facts, and I couldn't resist pointing out that you were the only one who didn't know what they were talking about.

farmerman wrote:
You claim such superior knowledge about guns but you never seem to be fully informed about actual vernacular of use.

You cannot point out any examples of such a failure on my part.

But as you so readily demonstrated just above, you don't know the difference between a magazine and a clip.

farmerman wrote:
I never opened any further discussions with you about stuff like xplosives because the one time you werent trying to talk about nukes you made a nice mess of the wording. I always let it slide.

You never discuss explosives with me because you are not competent to discuss explosives with me.

You cannot provide any examples of me messing words up regarding explosives. That's another one of your lies.

farmerman wrote:
You just pissed me off tonite and I had such a nice vacation.

Progressives always get angry when people post facts.

Progressives are never competent to challenge facts, so they always resort to lies and name-calling.

farmerman wrote:
You still have avoided the tranny question. Thats ok, Ill assume your silence just means lack of knowledge. Ill bask in your upcoming revilement knowing thats all you got.

You're projecting. You are the only person here who relies on revilement because that's all you've got.

farmerman wrote:
Stay as you are, our village needs you.

More of your name-calling because you are not competent to address any facts.
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 09:21 pm
My mistake. You were the one who claimed to be knoowlegeble of "Actinide Nukes'. I believe I corrected your education in understanding of the "Actinide Group" in the periodic table

Someone else was trying to blow smoke about Anfo, when it was obvious it had no idea of what it was speking. I jut thought it was you based on your past assertions.
You just were screwing up terminology of a "group name" on the periodic table which was named after the groups initial element( which has no use at all as weapons grade material ). Although I did find a segment of a Star Wars Movie that apparently claimed musing Actinium and Protactinium bombs.

PS, dont lie because unless you erased it, you were the oine whoopened a dsicussion about "aiming a shotgun" Apparently gunga causght it too so we both are lying according to you eh?

You should stick with role playing games. Youre still kind of a boring guy.

What about the tranny question. last chance .
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 09:48 pm
farmerman wrote:
My mistake. You were the one who claimed to be knowlegeble of "Actinide Nukes'. I believe I corrected your education in understanding of the "Actinide Group" in the periodic table

You didn't correct anything. You just babbled aimlessly without pointing out any errors in my posts. There were no errors in my posts to be pointed out.


farmerman wrote:
You just were screwing up terminology of a "group name" on the periodic table which was named after the groups initial element

I did not screw up any terminology whatsoever.

farmerman wrote:
which has no use at all as weapons grade material

I talked about consuming actinides as fuel for sodium-cooled reactors, as an alternative to burying them as waste for millions of years.

I did not propose making weapons out of them. Although I did stop to correct your incorrect claims about how thorium is weaponized.

farmerman wrote:
PS, dont lie because unless you erased it, you were the oine whoopened a dsicussion about "aiming a shotgun"

The only person here who is lying is you. I did not say a thing about aiming a shotgun.

farmerman wrote:
Apparently gunga causght it too so we both are lying according to you eh?

No. You are lying about what he said as well.

farmerman wrote:
You should stick with role playing games. Youre still kind of a boring guy.
What about the tranny question. last chance.

More name-calling and personal attacks because you are incapable of challenging any of my facts.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 11:16 pm
Sigghhhhh...why do you humor the imbeciles? I try to be helpful, I used to manage recent college grads and very young military people....even later more senior military and very experienced intell folks....I loved it, and as far as govt. pay I was happy with the wages. The young folks were green and needed guidance, there were times they made me rip out my hair..and wonder why the hell did I ever accept those assignments....but then again, there were a few gentle and generous souls who helped guide me ...... it was imperative to help the younger folks get ready to accept the responsibility. So many of those people have stepped up and I'm so proud of their service. It was an overwhelmingly satisfying career.
Tue 28 Jul, 2020 11:18 pm
Crap, how did this become about guns....I thought this was about dream cars.
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 12:21 am
Farmerman tried to cope with his factual failure on cars by reliving his factual failures on other subjects.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 12:22 am
glitterbag wrote:
Sigghhhhh...why do you humor the imbeciles?

Note that it is you who is the imbecile. And no one is humoring you.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 05:39 am
Oral loves 70 yer old technology but doesnt relize that even his "muscle car wannabe's " are loaded with up to date technology masked as "canal boat" powerplants. I have a horse drawn farm wagon in my barn. It stands as a reminder of why we invented tractors and continue to improve their technology. Same thing with muscle cars reintroduced as "nostalgia wagons". I have a neighbor whose farm manager has a new 600 hp Jeep Cherokee. What a waste of money.

The gun thing was my reminding ollie of a rookie statement he made in front of gunga and me a few yers ago.

Wed 29 Jul, 2020 08:07 am
farmerman wrote:
Oral loves 70 yer old technology but doesnt relize that even his "muscle car wannabe's " are loaded with up to date technology masked as "canal boat" powerplants.

Unlike your tiny little girly engines, the Camaro is hardly a wannabe. It really is powered by a 6.2 liter pushrod V8.

Your referring to muscle cars as canal boats has always been factually untrue. Even back in 1969-70, Pontiac Ram Air IV Trans Ams were outsteering your little girly engines.

I fully realize that modern cars have modern technology. You are the only one who can't seem to figure out that American muscle can outsteer your little girly engines just as readily today as it could in 1969-70.

Well, perhaps you're not the only one. I'm sure Glitterbag is equally as ignorant.

farmerman wrote:
I have a horse drawn farm wagon in my barn. It stands as a reminder of why we invented tractors and continue to improve their technology. Same thing with muscle cars reintroduced as "nostalgia wagons". I have a neighbor whose farm manager has a new 600 hp Jeep Cherokee. What a waste of money.

I know you really dislike reality, but I posted solid proof that a 2018 Camaro will outsteer your little girly engines.

That's why you erupted into such huge temper tantrum of lies and name-calling.

farmerman wrote:
The gun thing was my reminding ollie of a rookie statement he made in front of gunga and me a few yers ago.

No, it was you lying and falsely accusing me of saying something that I never said.
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 09:53 am
That's why you erupted into such huge temper tantrum of lies and name-calling.
Qoq, really?? Im actually laughing at your Trump like "reality".

In the 70's yeh, thats all there was for "1/4 mile "Strait Line Racing" and "left turn " hillbilly circle burn racing.A car like a Porsche speedster was used in longer races involving turns and buckles.

Driving top speed in an empty track is for tourists who pay 300$ to take a ride in a piiece of Iron thats been totally redone with Carbon fibre and click shift for track only . Put a crowd of trained racers and well see.

Keep driving yer canal boats.
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 09:55 am
I said before, my personal dream car is a Unimog. (At least it has a use to folks other than teen agers )
Walter Hinteler
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 10:09 am
Technology saves muscle power: a mooring company successfully uses specially equipped Unimog vehicles to transport gangways - wouldn't that be nice for you momentarily, farmerman? Wink
Wed 29 Jul, 2020 10:19 am
farmerman wrote:
Qoq, really?? Im actually laughing at your Trump like "reality".

Progressives always mock and belittle facts and reality.

farmerman wrote:
A car like a Porsche speedster was used in longer races involving turns and buckles.

Wrong again. The 1969-70 Pontiac Trans Am Ram Air IV could trounce your tiny little girly engines quite easily.

farmerman wrote:
Keep driving yer canal boats.

Your referring to muscle cars as canal boats has always been factually untrue. Even back in 1969-70, Pontiac Ram Air IV Trans Ams were outsteering your tiny little girly engines. Today's Camaros can outsteer your tiny little girly engines too.
Thu 21 Jan, 2021 06:13 pm
Thu 21 Jan, 2021 07:53 pm
I can't stand Bugattis. I guess some people like them, but I find the idea of a quad-turbo W16 engine grotesque.

I respect the Ferrari and Lamborghini V12s, but to me there is no substitute for a good old-fashioned pushrod V8.

To each their own I guess.
Thu 21 Jan, 2021 10:15 pm
we will al be doin it in elctric cars within 15 years at mot. The battery extension life and power curves have shown us that the fossil fuel engine is becoming a dinosaur. Even tractors and trucks. I looked at the Tesla e-truck and its actually a novel bit of engineering design and all the creature comfies wed need.
Besides that, they are expecting a roll-out of an equivalent truck to an F-350 with a range of almost 500 mi at full accessory loading (heater/or AC etc)

Even Lambo has got some of its tractor models coming out in an e-version.
Fossil fuels can soon stay in the ground. except for power plants (@GIG gas fired power plants will do till solar farms provide "Point source" power.
With present technology, Ive heard that it would take a state the size of Nevada to provide all our power needs as solar well into the future. Why not, nobody needs Nevada .


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