Actually, if I could have ANYTHING:
Toyota's new concept car:
Unlikes Bill's Toyota, those Ferraris are production vehicles.
Info, not trying to top-not my favorite!
cjhsa, you still eat up a lot more space!
I know, is there a way to control the size of the image A2K displays? I just put in an IMG link.
Take the picture to a editor, cut down the size, save it on your hard drive and the move it to the thread. Craven probably has a help file on it somewhere. If you really care, send him a PM, otherwise - normality will be restored when we go to the next page - in about 3 more responses after this one.
now we are on the new page!
By the way, I simply entered an IMG link to the JPG image at whatever site it was on, obtained through the "properties" tab if you right click on the image. I know how to edit images, but I didn't post one, just a link.
Is there a way to directly post images here? I didn't think so. Please feel free to prove me wrong.
(my dream vehicle)
timber, who just noticed the image link I originally used had expired, so I found a new link and:
Timber, that's not a car! :-)
I walk by this used car corner every other day or so and have enjoyed the odd variety which for a month now includes an '82 Susuki jeep, an '80's American something and what must be a sixties or seventies dark blue Austin 2WD jeep (at first glance looks like a LandRover) but today takes the cake. Parked right out there on the street in front of the Austin is a huge Huber steam roller. Name sounds German doesn't it? Wonder what they're asking for it. Is this the ultimate solution to Cali rush-hour traffic?
In the late 70's, I owned a mint condition 1965 Porsche 356SC. It was a beuatiful piece of engineering and a work of art in design. Shifted as fast as the human hand can move, took square corners at 45mph with little roll and was an eye catcher. I moved to another state and had to sell it. After using it daily for two years, I got the price I paid for it. The magnificent sum of $2,800. I loved that car. I dream that I still own the car. And sometimes, I go to a large book store and look through publications and check the current value of the car -- about $30K. And in the closeness and relative privacy between the aisles of books, I hold the publication close to my face to hide my emotions and silently weep.
Dream car for me would be a Bently Turbo R subtly modified with more power and torque, less noise, better handling and the most modern gadgets known to man.
I've always been partial to Mercedes Benz from the 60's. A big ol' sedan. Convertible. A celery green color with rich tan leather interior. Saw one once and never forgot it. I would look so good in that car.
C320 Sport Sedan... Man!
Just a couple of years from now, when I'm (hopefully) done with my education, this car will be within my reach
Well, maybe not, but you can't blame a guy for dreaming
Oh come on guys you talk about dream cars and haven't managed to mention the Audi stuff?
How about these three:

Audi Le Mans - now that's something for the Autobahn

Audi RS6 - yumm yumm

Audi TT