Why do men look at their girl's facial expressions during sex?

Tue 16 Dec, 2014 08:55 pm
Many threads? LOL! I have 2 threads
My other thread tittle: I was physically/mentally abuse by my mother, should I tell him?
And if you think my abusive mother past and I live in the ghetto, and my boyfriend is all lies, then Don't reply to my thread, simple as that.

There are plenty of more dramatic threads in here, such as: A married Christian woman cheated on her husband with an Online man that she met.
Two married people, yet still cheast behind each others back, cheated with co-workers, cheated with ex's, etc...
Date rape, incest, theresome, open marriage, swinging, etc...
All kinds of threads that is more 'drama' than mine. So there, go reply to those threads since you obviously believe it all true, lol

You are older than me, so suppose to set a good example, for the young people.
I don't care who threads are lies or not, I still respect the OP and give my serious advice.
And remember, the world have 7 billions people. There always EXCEPTIONS in everything. There are 'majority' and there are 'minority'

There are places in my poor Asia country that have "Mail Order Bride" going on right now. You heard of that?
There are poor women in Asia who sold as "Bride" to older men to foreign land.
In foreign land, they don't know the language, yet theyget beaten, and sexually abuse by their husband and his family. Those Brides have to committed suicide, died in foreign land.
All that is true story, you don't believe it? Go Google the news and read it yourself.
If things like that can happened, then what make you think a girl who get abuse by her mother, move out on her own, live in the ghetto is all a lie? LMFAO!
Tue 16 Dec, 2014 09:04 pm
I am not a fan of staring at each other during sex. Luckily, this is easy to avoid. Change up positions or get one of you into a blindfold I suggest.

Feedback was mentioned: I pay attention to sounds, I find this much more useful than staring.
0 Replies
Tue 16 Dec, 2014 09:19 pm
I'm a big believer in lots of games in the bedroom.

During the abominable act, I like to play battleships, but my better half prefers blackjack. Sometimes we go with the flow and both enjoy mah jong.
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Tue 16 Dec, 2014 11:07 pm
I don't have your take at this time, possibly since I am sleepy.

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Tue 16 Dec, 2014 11:17 pm
you've forgotten this thread where you have left unanswered questions

Tue 16 Dec, 2014 11:20 pm
Dear Old Cynical,

love you.


Smelling a Stinky

0 Replies
Tue 16 Dec, 2014 11:37 pm
I don't know the answer to that thread question regarding: What happen if it a daughter instead of a son? As I have not ask him yet, we won't be having any baby soon.
I know he wanted a son, he always say give him a son, never once he say give him a daughter.

And I have said in my thread already, I won't be leaving his mother in the ghetto alone.
If we buy a house out, I want to take her with us. Or if we move out of this ghetto, it will be somewhere close, so he can easy drive back and forth to see his mom.

I am not in a rush to move, as I don't see the needs to. The bad environment here doesn't matter to us (since we don't have kids), we both are adults. We know what is right and what is wrong, we know what we should do and not do.

I am not in a rush of getting out of here because we don't have kids yet, and the rent here is very CHEAP!
You get 2, 3, 4 bedrooms apartment here for below half the price out there, so it helpful to save up money for a house.
If we in a rush go rent outside now, how much do we have left to save? The time of saving up enough to buy a house will be double as long, IF living outside paying full price rent.

We will run out of here asap if there was little children involve though (because you want your kids to grow up in a healthy environment), but we don't have any as of right now.

And LOL! Who here think I am lying about my ghetto? If anyone ever have a chance come to Los Angeles county, specificly in the city of Compton. I will welcome you for a tour here, then you see it for yourself, LOL!

And don't put words in my mouth Lordyaswas, every single post I write here are all still here. Welcome everybody to go read 3 of my threads.
Your quote saying: [flow of many and varied threads,] ======= LMFAO, I have 3 threads total, and NO such thing as varied threads.
ALL THREE OF MY THREADS are in the same tone, same topic, and same mentioning of my abusive mother and my boyfriend.
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 07:10 am
Hey girl, don't worry about anything that happens here. Take the advice you get for what it's worth and leave the rest. What do you care if some don't believe you?
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 07:41 am
Olivier, I know you like to come across as cool and understanding, especially when the ladies are concerned, but I tend to be a tad more suspicious when a supposed poor English writer then immediately writes copious paragraphs on subjects that seem to be specific to those that gain sympathetic attention from men.

I also do my research before I make such sweeping statements.

For instance, this thread's opening paragraph has appeared word for word in other fora (certainly more than one).

Quite a few replies of hers also appear to be replicated, or as near as dammit.

The phrase that springs to mind, and one which I learnt here, consists of two words, the first being attention.

Just copy paste the first sentence of the opening paragraph into your favourite search engine, with a " at each end.

We seem to be at least the third forum that this has sprung up on over the past weeks.

Carry on.
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 07:44 am
"And don't put words in my mouth Lordyaswas, every single post I write here are all still here."

And not just here, it would seem. Wink
0 Replies
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 08:37 am
In the post that I am replying to here, you give me a pretty good slagging off, so I feel I now have the right to respond and prove my case somewhat.

In your "commitment" thread here, after a copious amount of information in your initial post, you left us in no doubt that you had known your man for ages, and that everything was lovey dovey and you were going out with the most romantic man in the world.

You then went on to state this in your second post ....

"But I know him for 4 years; we are neighbors, we live in the same neighborhood, we were friends prior to dating, casual friends but still friends......"

So, the scene was set.

The drama was : A wonderful, romantic man but not seeming to want to commit.


Just a short while before that post, you posted this as your opening post on a thread you started at another forum site........

3rd December 2014

"an unmarried, single, no kids guy but drive a big SUV by himself?

usually big SUV are FAMILY car, drive by the MARRIED men, the ones married with wife and kids.
or the divorce men, who have family before in the past.

so I DOUBT this guy sincere when he said he is single, unmarried, no kids, but drive by himself a big SUV like in this pic below

i'm thinking he might have ex-wife, baby mama, kids somewhere out there.

opinions? thank u
anyone know unmarried men out there, single, but drive this big SUV ALONE?......"

And then your second post (same day) you go on to say.....

"We are in a sunshine state, no snow unless you drive up all the way to mountain top.

And he doesn't have any job equipment that need to be put in his car. His car is pretty much empty and he the only one driving.

Should I trust this guy words? Why do I doubt him, I hope he not have some ex-wife or baby mama out there somewhere, and hiding from me."

So, on our site you have been his neighbour and friend for 4 years, formally as his girlfriend for a year.

On another site, at roughly the same time, you are posting that you have a major drama going on in your head because this guy you know drives a SUV and you're suspicious that he is hiding a complete family somewhere.

It is as if there are two completely different people here, with two completely different dramas, both guaranteed to grab attention.

And that is just scratching the surface. Just how many threads and dramas have you started over the past x weeks/months?

You must have a very good memory to keep up with all this stuff.

Carry on.

0 Replies
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 03:51 pm
You're reading too much into this.Why would anyone invent such stories? And posting on several boards is not a crime.

I'm more indifferent than cool. Takes me a long time to figure out people and I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt in the meantime.

Also I came here little over a year ago and remember the reception... E.g the last time I saw you question another poster's genuineness, it was about me not being French... So you will pardon me if I take your suspicions with a ton of salt.

(metric, of course)

Wed 17 Dec, 2014 04:06 pm
I was wondering why do men look at their girl’s facial expressions during sex?

In my case, my wife face is even more beautiful then normal when we are making love.
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Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:00 pm
I will just IGNORE Lordyaswas, I don't care what he thinks, I make all my post clear in page 2 and 3 about my situation, everyone can read it and judge it themselves.

And so what if I post my exactly same thread at another Board? Is there a rule here that say members here CANNOT post their same thread somewhere else? Did I break some sort of message board rule or etiquette by daring to post on another site? LMFAO!

And Oliver5, let me tell you why I have suspicious of my boyfriend who drive a big SUV. When he claim to be single, never married and no children prior.
You know people live in the ghetto are suppose to be poor right? Obviously all the people here are on the lower income side of the society. But many of them drive even Mercedes.
You know where they get their money from? DRUGS DEALING!

And you know how guys are in the ghetto right?
There is a guy here who have 5 baby mamas with 5 different women! So I have the rights to questioning my man if BEFORE I come into the picture, he might have baby mama somewhere out there, maybe in a nother state.

And he have alot of street friends who are doing weeds, and hardcore drugs.
Last time he was in an apartment with his street buddies, and that place smell like a full house weed (marijuana); I can smell it from just walking passed by it outside.
God know what kinds of other drugs they doing in there.

I got very worried, I know he doesn't do drugs; but him being INSIDE that apartment, IF somehow a nosy neighbor called the police, he will be BUSTED ALONG together with all his friends.
Police don't care if he do drugs or not, as long as he inside that apartment together with all those drugs-doing people, police will charge him with the same crime.
From this, I start questioning how come he drives a big SUV, when he not even married or have kids. I know he drive that SUV before I come into the picture, but it seem ODD to me that a single man drive such a big car.

And btw, I live here 4 years in this ghetto. The first 2.5 years we were "just friends", that's right, "just friends", so we not dating.
And just because he is a guy in my neighborhood who happened to show interest in me, does that mean I have to gave in immediately? Or believe his sweet words? Yeah right! Like I am that stupid, knowing the environment I live in, I need to protect myself. So ofcourse I'm going to test his persistent.

We start dating for one yera already, I have my time of not trust him, so what? Tell me any girls out there who can trust their BF 100%?
Given my abusive childhood from my mother, I move out on my own at the age 18 and survive on my own, so that added more to why I need to protect myself.
And him, he won't roll up an died over some Asian girl have some doubts on him, this guy grow up in the street, he more tougher than that. Overall, we are 2 people who live in the ghetto, we not angels.

Thank you for not judge me living in the ghetto, you are a good heart person Oliver5, God Bless you and Happy Holiday.
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:15 pm
Happy holidays to you too.

Try and relax a bit. Try a little wine. And turn around. ;-)
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Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:19 pm
I see your point.

I didn't before, knowing too many people with SUV's, half kidding, I don't like them, but I wasn't thinking of it in your context, which makes sense to me now that you made it clear.

On a related matter,
0 Replies
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:27 pm
Now now Olivier.

You jumped into a thread last Xmas with quite a bit of silly stuff and got all huffy when we stood up to you and proved you wrong.

Who cares whether you're French or Canadian French? You obviously speak French, so I don't know what all the fuss is about really. You were out doing your pick an argument and run routine at the time, but lost a bit of pride when you were taken out several times by far more savvy people than you expected to encounter.
I don't include myself in that, because I went off to France (real France) for Xmas and it was all over when I got back in the New Year.

As far as your new friend, she tends to tell people a lot not to read her or reply if they start to question her, both on this site and the other two or three.

The classic was the "everyone keeps kissing my hand" thread, or words to that effect. Within three posts on that thread there were several people asking if she was a troll. There were some really quite funny reply posts to that thread, and half of them also got told off and asked not to post anymore.
Ho hum.

I just have no time for cut and paste drama queens, that's all. You obviously enjoy flitting around it all, so I'll back out now and let you play a part in her play. She's very convincing.

Still think that she's a grizzly plumber though.

Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:39 pm
Thank you Olivier5,
Do you find it a bit strange that a man who claim to be single, never married, never have kids. BUT he himself (alone) drive a BIG car, I mean BIG car.
When it not related to his job at all, and he not even moving, and where we live there no snow.
Maybe he likes big car, maybe I am being paranoid. But this is what I wonder in my head, that's why I started that thread asking what other opinions think on it.

And here a reply from someone in the other Board who also AGREE with me that it odd for him to drive such a big car, when he single.
[It does seem a bit silly to have a "soccer mum" car, if he's got no children. I wouldn't see the point of having one if I was single, childless and didn't need one for work reasons.]

I came across a thread from a woman who said her Fiance' wasn't fully divorce when get together. After she discovered his unfinalized divorce papers. ==== So who say a man cannot have a baby mama out in another state? lol! There plenty of men who hide their family somewhere out there.

And if you lived int he ghetto before, you know alot of people here do weeds/drugs here. So it is NORMAL for me to wonder if my man ever behoind my back doing these stuff with his buddies, given my environment where I live at, it make perfect sense.
And what would you do if you see your boyfriend inside his buddies apartment full of drugs smell? I know he doesn't do drugs; but him being INSIDE that apartment, IF somehow a nosy neighbor called the police, he will be BUSTED ALONG together with all his friends.
Police don't care if he do drugs or not, as long as he inside that apartment together with all those drugs-doing people, police will charge him with the same crime.

I asked him to STOP going inside that place when there drugs going on, and if he needs to talk to them, talk to them OUTSIDE. Am I being an unreasonable GF? I don't want him to get busted and charge wtih the same crime as his buddies, for being in the SAME place.

And my man is far from romantic, I am not a romantic person neither, so he doesn't need to be one. He's poor, and I understand that, and when 2 poor people get together, there not much romantic stuff we can do, lol

And in my own defense, about the kissing my hands. I do get that, when guys ask for my phone #, I rejected give him, and they want a handshake, right when they shake my hands, they grab it and kiss it.
Standard for western cultures right? But to an Asian girl like me, it is not.

At work, there an older customer man who always come here to buy stuff. He keeps talking to me when I ring him up when he pay for his clothes.
He keeps come back to shop and talks to me, and one time he give me his Buisness Card.
His business card he doing "Real Estates". I told him I don't have money for a house, he said he doesn't need me to buy a house. But he wants me to phone his cell # on his card.
Well you know I have to be nice, and smile and all to customers. Customers are #1, so I take his card. After he left, I throw his card in the trash.
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:48 pm
Frank Apisa appeared to care.
0 Replies
Wed 17 Dec, 2014 05:59 pm
And Nope, nobody there think I am Trolling. I will post their reply here, in my defense regarding to I get random strangers ask for my #, and some even dare to kiss my hands. Other girls there experienced other things that similiar too.

[I'm amazed at the people who think that this is trolling. Most of the women I know have been harassed in this way. It used to happen to me a lot more when I lived in a different city. I am also a friendly, smiley, non-assertive person, so I'm sure that vibe attracts them. I wish I could go back and be as assertive/rude as I needed to be to get them to go away. It's amazing the crap I used to let random men get away with.
And for the record, no, not all women want men, even handsome men, to hit on them at the store, in a parking lot, at work, etc. I find it intrusive and obnoxious.]

[ I think there's something "approachable" about this kind of look. The fact that you're Asian probably plays into this sometimes, too. As I'm sure you know all too well, some men in the US stereotype Asian women as being obedient, docile, etc. They probably see you as someone they can harass and get away with it. ]

[Sometimes it has been true that by not engaging with them, they haven't followed me. But I have had very aggressive men follow me, talking to me, touching my hair or face--even twice guys who came onto a bus, sat next to me, and without a word, grabbed and held my hand. I know how hard it is to be assertive, even rude to people when you're used to being friendly and accommodating. But over time I've decided that it's better to be overly rude with men I don't know than overly nice. No more hand-kissing for me!]

And in defense of my thread in another Board, which have nothing related to this thread, but since Lordyaswas purposely use it to attack me, then now I will fight back.

In my thread, only 3 men kiss my hand. The rest all only ask for my #
So 1 men was Older Man, and the other 2 guys were my age, in their 30s

(1) 1 men was an older men who is a customer at my work. He come to my work few times purposely shop here just to ask for my #.
When he give my his business card, he just grab my hand and kiss it. He do it too suddenly that I didn't have a chance to pull back my hand.

(2) 1 other guy that kiss my hand was a co-worker who work in the same company as me, but different department. We sometimes talks at lunch, so we not stranger. He likes me though, but the kiss hands is just too much.

(3) The 3rd guy was creepy, it was random stranger keep look/stares at me.
he keep ask for my #, I rejected, then he wants handshake,
after he got my hand he just don't want to let go, and forcefully kiss it (out of the blue), too sudden for me to pull back.

And nahh, I am not convincing. What I write in my story, my background, my circumstances, my environment where I live is all TRUE!
And that is why it make sense to why I feel the way I feel, given where I am coming from, and where I live at.

A liar will not remember in details of what they said, you ask them next time, they will forget.
But you can ask me me 1000 times from now, or 10 years from now. I still tell you the exact same details of my story, because it what happened in my life, how can I forget.
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