15 PHD level scientists say evolution is a bunch of bullshit

Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:00 am
Anybody know how formerman and presumably other members of the a2k academic dead wood set managed to turn a simple science thread into Not-SAfe-For-Work???
DNA Thumbs drive
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:00 am
So where did the information, that formed the first cell come from. Without this, Darwin's supposed theory fails on all points.

PS. Thanks for making my point.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:06 am
Anybody know how formerman and presumably other members of the a2k academic dead wood set managed to turn a simple science thread into Not-SAfe-For-Work???

You used the evil "word bullshit" in your title.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:08 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
So where did the information, that formed the first cell come from

It came from a supernatural being by the name of god as everyone know..LOL
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Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:10 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
DNA Thumbs drive wrote:

Your explanation is an unsubstantiated and not verified by science opinion. Until someone creates a molecule this way, it is just a supposition and fiction. Furthermore again there are no self replicating molecules, can you name one?
Only cells with DNA can replicate, but you don't care, because you can't accept that there is more to the universe than you.

Wake up, everything you are spouting is unverified by science.

Your assertion was that the theory of evolution doesn't explain where species come from. You were wrong because it does and I've told you what it says. Whether the explanation is believable is a completely different question.

You also claimed that my use of the word "theory" was incorrect and suggested that I get a dictionary. You were wrong there too as I've shown by quoting from a dictionary. You clearly never learned how the word "theory" is used in science.

As for the believability of the explanation, just because we no longer have a records of what that first molecule was, it doesn't make it implausible. Unlike religion, science doesn't claim to have all of the answers. Sorry we didn't have a videotape running billions of years ago. If this explanation is the right answer, it would necessarily be unverified because there is no conceivable way to verify it. I'd just love to hear your verification that a supernatural force got the process started. Furthermore, even if you don't like the idea that life started as a molecule that could copy itself, your actual assertion was that the theory of evolution doesn't explain where the Earth's present species came from, not that it doesn't explain the kickoff event. You have yet to show that evolution wouldn't create all of today's species, if it did have a self-replicating molecule to start things off.
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Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:11 am
gungasnake wrote:


Another cut and paste. How about making your own arguments?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:13 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
DNA Thumbs drive wrote:
So where did the information, that formed the first cell come from. Without this, Darwin's supposed theory fails on all points.

PS. Thanks for making my point.

I guess you didn't read the explanation in my post. Hundreds of million years of random combinations of chemicals in the ocean eventually formed a self-replicating molecule. A minimum prerequisite for informed debate is the ability to correctly state your opponent's position.
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Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:36 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
DNA Thumbs drive wrote:

So where did the information, that formed the first cell come from. Without this, Darwin's supposed theory fails on all points.

PS. Thanks for making my point.

Darwin didn't say anything at all about abiogenesis. Thanks for illustrating my point that you don't have the first clue what you're talking about.
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Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:37 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
Thus abiogenesis, is part of evolution, or do you believe that finches just say flew in from another dimension..... Evolution without species to evolve is not a scientific theory, it is nonsense.

You may assert this but you would be wrong. Darwin had a thory with not much of a mechanism. His bility to intuit everything makes it one of (if not THE idea ) of the millennium.

Youre like some guys who, finding a paleo point, say, "These guys weren't too smrt, why didn't they have cell phones?"
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Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:39 am

I 've heard that Darwin was deeply religious.
He did not deem his work to be in conflict with religion.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:41 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
Darwin's theory only works for the evolution of already existing species, and the Origin of the Species does not even try to get into where the species came from in the first place in order to evolve.
By George, I believe he finally got it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:45 am
Appeals to abiogenesis as an objection to evolution are the height of stupidity. Evolution cannot occur until life forms are present. Evolution is not concerned with the origin of life, nor with the origin of the cosmos. Appeals of that type are almost always the hallmark of the religious nut bag.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:45 am
Abiogenesis & Evolution
It's a Myth that Abiogenesis is the Same as Evolution

As if evolution and evolutionary theory were not already confusing enough, many creationists complicate matters even further by promulgating the mistaken idea that evolution is the same as abiogenesis. One common way this is done is to argue that evolution cannot explain how life began while creationism can and, therefore, creationism is superior to evolution.

Now, the origin of life is certainly an interesting topic, but it is not a part of evolutionary theory. The study of the naturalistic origins of life is called abiogenesis, and while scientists have not developed a clear explanation of how life might have developed from nonliving material, that has no impact on evolution. Even if life did not begin naturally but was started due to the intervention of some divine power, evolution would still stand on the evidence as our best explanation so far for how that life has developed.

Now, it is true that biological evolution and molecular evolution (the basis of naturalistic explanations of abiogenesis) do have some relation and overlap in the sense that molecular change (in genes) is what drives biological evolution. So, it is not necessarily invalid to join the two — especially when you consider that it is hard to draw a definitive line between life and non-life.

The important thing to remember is that evolutionary theory is a scientific theory about how life has developed — this means that it begins with the premise that life already exists. It makes no claims as to how that life got here. It could have developed naturally through abiogenesis. It could have been started by a divine power. It could have been started by aliens. Whatever the explanation, evolutionary explanations begin to apply once life appears and begins to reproduce.

Another related error made by some creationists is the idea that evolutionary theory cannot explain the origin of the universe while creationism does — and, once again, evolution is inferior to creationism. However, the origins of the universe are even further removed from evolutionary theory than is the origin of life. There is some connection in that scientists seek naturalistic explanations for both, but that is simply due to the fact that they are both scientific pursuits and not because of any inherent relationship such that problems with one will undermine the other.

In both instances described above, the creationists spreading this misunderstanding are doing so for one of two reasons. The first possibility is that they simply do not understand the nature of evolutionary theory. In not having a clear idea about what evolution is, they mistakenly include ideas which do not belong. This failure to understand the topic sheds some interesting light on their attempts to critique it, however.

The second possibility is that some creationists do understand what evolution is and do understand that neither the origin of life nor the origin of the universe are really relevant to the truth or validity of evolutionary theory. In such cases, the creationists in question are being consciously and deliberately dishonest with their audience. Perhaps they imagine that by confusing people as to the true nature of evolution, they will be able to gain more support for their own position — a position which is, according to them, more in accordance with the will of God and Christian doctrines.

DNA Thumbs drive
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:52 am
So in your mind, Darwin is free to just assume that the finches that he observed were always there, thus no explanation of where they came from is needed.

Ok, if you say so.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:53 am
Another related error made by some creationists is the idea that evolutionary theory cannot explain the origin of the universe while creationism does —

Somehow waving your arms to heaven and proclaiming the actions of some supernatural agent is hardly explaining anything at least in my opinion.

My mother used to tell me that thunder was the result of angels bowling in heaven and while that was great for calming the fears of a very young child it does not serve too well for most adults nor does creationism for that matter and for roughly the same reasons.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:56 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,

If evolution is a theory, then by your circular reasoning, all selectively bred organisms, from farm crops that have been cross pollinated, selective evolution, and every manmade mammal from farm animals to dogs are theories, and not real.

Not at all. Darwins entire title for all his editions remained
On the ORIGIN OF SPECIES By Means of NAtural Selection.
or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle For Life"

What was intended was accomplished. DArwin used experimentation with domestic animals like pigeons as examples of artificial selection practiced by agriculture and husbandry.

Im not arguing the "facts" associated with his theory, I just wish that youd limit where it begn and ended.
The means and mechanisms including genetics, genomics, the huge mass of the fossil record all came after edition 6. That's a fact.

DNA Thumbs drive
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:56 am
Abiogenesis is not the same as evolution, it is however the only accepted theory for how organisms could have populated the Earth without input from outside the Earth itself.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 05:57 am
When/where I grew up, when it rained on a clear day the adults would always say it was because the devil was beating his wife. That's no crazier than "goddidit," I reckon.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 06:01 am
@DNA Thumbs drive,
DNA Thumbs drive wrote:

Abiogenesis is not the same as evolution,

I'm glad you finally figured that out. You're welcome.

it is however the only accepted theory for how organisms could have populated the Earth without input from outside the Earth itself.

It's not a singular theory. There are several competing hypotheses that are awaiting more conclusive data. One such hypothesis is precisely that it came from outside Earth itself, namely, by comets. If you were as well read on the subject as you're pretending to be, you would know that. It's one of the major hypothesis that are being considereded. Please do read at least a little something about the topic before you opine on it with such self-assured grandiosity. And if you knew the scientific definition of "theory," you wouldn't be making all these beginner mistakes. Rolling Eyes
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DNA Thumbs drive
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2014 06:04 am
At the time, what Darwin did was revolutionary, as none of this was defined. However, this rudimentary showing that animals evolve has been turned into something completely different, and some now treat Darwinism as a secular religion, where the God is science and mathematics, as atheist need to believe in something, just as theist do. It is also not right to teach in a science class, that at least hundreds of thousands of lines of DNA code formed in a warm pond, without some scientific reasoning. Thus it is the evolutionist who are taking a leap of faith, and believing in abiogenesis. There is not one experiment, of any kind that demonstrates code writing itself.
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