I was interested in Ross, who is a "paleontologist" teaching at Liberty University (Jerry Falwell U).
His wprk now conists of a silly bogus statistical trick that compresses any cladistics variability so that everything appears as a "kind".
The technique is called Baraminology , named by a Creationist mathematician in the 1940s. Its initial intent was to develop a species barrier that defined animals ala LEVITICUS.
Its all total bullshit and has been laughed at by rel science for being based upon an initial statement that GENESIIS is scientifically correct (although the Creationists will have no proof of anything)
ANYWAY , Ross is a US paleontologist BS PEnn State and PhD , U of Rhode Island.
Hes part of a faculty at Liberty U . Hes in the biology department where they DO NT teqch anything in Evolution. In fact, their bio program is totally devoid of any subjects that are relevant, and their programs in geo or paleo ARE NOT ACCREITED ANYWAY because they teach a religious basis to a naturalististically based sciences.
Ross was uncovered as one of the two "Field Trip " leaders who snuck into the 2010 GSA conference and sponsored a Field trip on the Grand CAnyon. They presented a Creationist view of the Canyon and were pretty much slamdunked by a bunch of grad students who showed Austing and Ross that, among the "Flood Deposit Formations" that they were trying to preach were results of the Noatic Flood, there exited two distinct ayers that ere deposited as sand dune (desert) deposits. Dunes, moraines and Loesses are two types of dry land deposits that collect and are preserved in the stratigraphic column. Preaching the "Flood" as a scientific paper was merely an attempt to "slip" this crap into a respected conference and get them published as a refereed topic. The field trips, it turned out, were NEVER juried or given any peer reviews by the conference board. They always looked on them as fun trips for students and nobody would attempt to **** with the program.
Well, ever since 2010 the GSA conferences review and peer review all the field trip stops and bases of the explanations, so this embarrassment doesn't happen again.
SO Dr Ross is a fraud , certified by the GSA (geological Society of AMerica).
Now Im gonna see about the geologist, if hes from Sndia Lbs, they have a whole knot of Creationists out there because the initial lab was not too discerning about geologists whose only job was to look for Uranium sands