I also remember something in that Hollaback (I'm probably misspelling that) article (I haven't seen that video but read about it) that rang true, that men often don't see all that happen when they accompany women, because they tend to be a kind of protection.
I've been on the lucky side of this in that I'm older and easily taken as no great shakes to cat call at... but even in my youth, that only happened to me in Mexico the times I went there with girl pals, instead of lover or husband, and we didn't worry about it, weren't afraid of it, took it as a cultural difference. Some of it now may be cultural difference too.
I'm a long time walker of cities, one of my favorite things to do, and I rarely got the kind of stuff happening, even young, that was part of that video. (I dare say I wasn't ugly in my early walking days.) Diane and I - when I met a2kers in New York - walked the city, not always in great areas, and were treated well - but of course, we were old by then, 2003.
Whatever article I read, wherever, mentioned some of the internet hating (on lots of issues but re this thread, about feminism) is because of internet anonymity. Crowd cat calling can have some of that aspect.