Quote:Every time you post "I'm for equal rights, I'm just against Feminism!" you are doing that. You are insinuating that feminism is not about equal rights even though every definition you will ever find disagrees. You are ascribing nebulous negative characteristics to feminism by saying "I'm for good stuff, not feminism."
That's pretty hypocritical engineer, because you used the exact same tactic in my men's rights thread; asserting that men's rights are not about equality. Ascribing "nebulous negative characteristics" to men's rights, by putting down their gripes as a joke.
And every time you use the dictionary definition argument, you make yourself sound stupid. Just because something is defined a certain way in the dictionary does not mean it can't be used in other ways than originally intended.
I will re-use these examples:
1) A person starting a a social movement called "Caucasianism". The dictionary definition of "Caucasianism" will be that it's a social movement with the goal of equality for ALL races. And then the way that 'Caucasianism' goes about "achieving" these goal is by focussing ONLY on issues that affect white people, and/or training/forcing other races to act more like white people.
This person will also walk around wearing t-shirts that say "I bathe in nigger tears". But they'll only wear these t-shirts in an "ironic" way.
2) The dictionary definition of "airplane":
air·plane noun \ˈer-ˌplān\
: a machine that has wings and an engine and that flies through the air
The dictionary doesn't mention that airplanes can be used as terrorist weapons to fly into buildings and kill people. And yet 9/11 happened anyway...