Lets see.
Is it against the law to ask and demand a scientific investigation of a crime?
Let me to compare. Ehhhh... yup!
The Turin Shroud.
For decades and decades lots of people cried "fraud!" about this cloth that is assumed have been used for covering the body of the Christ (Anointed).
the Vatican gave green light for samples of the cloth to be cut and taken to a lab for data testing.
According to records given in the link below, three labs tested the samples. And the data of the age of the samples came to be between 1260 and 1390. A further explanation with the intent to justify this data is that the edges of the cloth have been repaired in the medieval era.
The point of this example is that the scientific investigation was successfully complete. It is understood that the Vatican might give permission for a future taking of samples, at this time from a part near the center of the cloth, in order to verify again the age of the Turin Shroud.
So far, regardless of the claims about the Turin Shroud by many, the samples taken have shown a recent age of the cloth.
So I ask, what the heck has to do if English is not the first language of the people who cried "fraud!"?
What the heck has to do if the poster comes here -as an example- with the typical story of a Jewish grandmother married with a German soldier in WW2?
What the personal identity of the requester has to do with a scientific investigation of the rooms assumed to be gas chambers?
Since when the language and origin of the scientists will determine the validity of a scientific discovery?
Are we surrounded of racists and haters who can't tolerate the skepticism and curiosity of a poster?
How hard is for supporters of the holocaust just to say, yes, lets do it, lets call the expert deniers of the holocaust, and together lets pull samples of the walls to be taken to a lab.
So, now we are not only in need of a scientific investigation of the rooms in question, but also we are in need of holocaust supporters copying the exemplar model given by the Vatican in reference to the Turin Shroud.
It is time to throw out silly pride, to stop unnecessary faking of pain, and similar, because 70 years is a lot of time to still crying for the dead.
Even "father" Abraham cried one month alone for her dead wife, that was enough, after that, he kept going and enjoyed the coffee early every morning. He even got married again with several women and had lots of children!
Come on! Follow his example.