cello wrote:I think it is because a lot of Jews own the media, so they talk about the Holocaust and remind people of it. I don't think the other peoples want to forget or ignore the genocides that happened to them, it is only that the media does not cover those.
I think you are subscribing to the popular misconception that Jews own the U.S. media. Don't believe me, just look up who owns the major media. I'm not talking about New York newspapers. I mean the big networks.
In my opinion, allowing the masses to believe that Jews are continually lamenting about the six million Jews exterminated in the Holocaust serves the purpose of maintaining a certain level of discomfort with Jews in general. And this keeps them in their place, so to speak; in effect, being "just too different" to fit in completely (as the person promoted, as the person hired, as the person accepted for membership to wherever). In other words, Jews can live comfortably in the U.S., as long as they have a utility: school teacher, doctor, dentist, accountant. But, not the "fat cat" positions. So, the image of Holocaust bellyacher marginalizes them.
The U.S. is a country where many groups are competing for a slice of the pie. Jews tend to be good competitors, I believe, when the criteria are good marks, above average IQ, eagerness, implementing new ideas. Allowing them to maintain the "annoying image" of Holocaust bellyachers makes them less able to compete in a "team oriented" society, where "fitting in" is more important than SAT scores. Was this effected premeditatedly; I personally don't think so, but I can't believe all non-Jews are not aware of the marginalization in society that this image causes.
And, if one wants another possible reason for allowing Jews to continue to get Holocaust lament time in the media: it might just be keeping a certain country in Europe from getting obstreperous, without letting that country feel that strong feelings from WWII didn't fade away.
"It's those Jews causing the bad publicity, obviously." In effect, Jews wind up doing a service for some countries in Europe today, since as members of the EU, all these countries have to give the impression that all of Europe is united and old feelings are gone.
Does anyone find it interesting that just when white ethnics (I've branched out beyond Jews now) were sending their children to college, in large numbers, along comes a concern over minority quotas? Does this have a way to keep those white ethnics down the proverbial rungs on the ladder? The timing is just coincidental, I'm sure.
So much of society's popular beliefs are just so much propaganda, I believe, as a holdover perhaps from an earlier era. Like certain groups have been called lazy, shiftless, unintelligent, drunkards, etc., etc. All canards. All lies. But, was once part of the standard popular beliefs.
But, so many people are really so comfortable with these popular myths. Even when they know they're lies. I wonder why???