I feel your pain, believe me, I know. There is not a day that goes by that I wish it never started. If you talk to someone who has never been through this, they will tell you it's not real, how horrible you both are, and to end it. Of course, there are women and men out there who have affairs purely for the sex of it. There are people out there who will use you and lie, but that is not just in affair relationships, that can also be in every day relationships.
Let's take a look at this from the point of view that this man is not just out for sex and is a liar. I believe that when a man has an affair, he is looking for what he used to have with his wife, that has fizzled out. Meeting someone new is exciting! You get to learn about each other, share dreams, and flirt. You listen closely and it's only yours and his secret. It's like 2 kids getting away with getting cookies out of the cookie jar. There is no day to day annoyance; nagging, complaining, fix this, take care of that, we have to do this today, you're not good enough. It wears him down, and if the wife is miserable, she denies him sex, which for men, makes them feel wanted, needed, appreciated, and alive! Along comes another woman and gives him all of this...but he still loves his wife. At one point he had all of these things that you two have started.
I honestly believe that men can love two women at once. Men compartmentalize, they can actually think of one thing at once or think of nothing at all! Imagine if you could do that, only think of your man when you wanted to? I tell my MM that I wish I had his mind, to be able to just pull out a "box" open it, remember our times together, then put away that "box". He never leaves my mind.
You asked about why, if he loved his wife, was he looking for someone else. I don't think he was intentially looking for someone. I know with me and my MM, neither one of us were looking. It started as conversation (we are co-workers), then to more personal things (home life), to flirting, to joking about meeting out of work, to the result we are at today. Like I said above, it's that feeling of being alive, wanted, needed, desired, but at the same time, the guilt of saying "Until death do we part" to his wife. This does not deminish the love he has for you at all. Men just think different than we do.
If you have been in an affair for over 5 years, I would say it's not just hormones, there is a deep bond. You are right, children leave. I think that your man, my man, made a commitment to his wife, all their lives were spent planning for the future, for their life, for retirement, for college, for grandkids, he never planned for a future for you and him. You and I can imagine a life with them, there is a connection, happiness, and contentment. You love him, that's all there is, love conquers all.
Hard to accept, isn't it? That no matter what you do, how nice of a person you are, more attractive, more attentive, better in bed...you will never win over his wife. So, you have 2 choices, end it, or learn to deal with always being second.
I will tell you this, at some point, you will be ready, you may not be ready now, but everyone has a breaking point. A point that they finally reach, and no matter how hard it hurts, they end it. That is anything in life. Think about things in your past that you never thought you would get through, but for your own perseverance, you had to stop/end what ever was going on.
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