OmSigDAVID wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:NO, Gunga. Zimmerman got out of his car and followed Martin
almost certainly because of Martin's skin color.
But you will never acknowledge that...so be it as it may.
Frank, there is
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING rong with doing that.
IF u claim that there
IS, then please
quote the operative language
of whatever law it
IS that u allege is violated by so doing. I await.
It should be noted that every single thing that Frank Apisa ever says is, without exception, always an outright lie.
There is no reason to think that Mr. Zimmerman took notice of Trayvon because of his skin color.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:And Zimmerman was the victim of his own rashness.
A young man who was being followed...probably menacingly...
How do u define that menace,
HOW have u calculated the
PROBABILITY that u mentioned?????
I 'm glad no one wants
ME to figure those odds;
I have no idea of how I 'd even begin to do that,
but from your post, we know that u have
ALREADY executed that calculation,
since u have already given us the result.
Note that, contrary to Frank Apisa's incessant lying, Trayvon was not being followed at the time of the assault.
Mr. Zimmerman had halted his pursuit on the advice of the police dispatcher.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:and he turned to defend himself from the threat.
What 's this about a "threat", Frank???
Where do u get anything about a "threat"????
There was no threat. The pursuit had halted and Trayvon had slipped away.
Trayvon only had to go on home and he would have been free to consume his PCP and go breaking into neighborhood homes that night.
Trayvon's decision to turn around and violently assault Mr. Zimmerman was not due to any supposed threat.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:If George Zimmerman had stayed where he was supposed to stay...
"supposed" by
WHOM, Frank??
Did Zimmy have any
to bring into actuality any person's
IF u allege that he
had such a duty,
then please tell us the
SOURCE of it, if u will be so kind?????
Frank Apisa wrote:where he was advised to stay...
Do u mean the advice from the
telefone operator????????
Will u reveal unto us the
jurisdictional authority
of telefone operators???? Is that in the Constitution?? Inquiring minds wanna know.
Frank Apisa is lying again.
The evidence shows quite clearly that Mr. Zimmerman halted his pursuit when the police dispatcher advised him to.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:he would not have bumped his head on the concrete
when Martin tried to defend himself from what he perceived as a threat.
The delusions of a homicidal maniac (meaning decedent)
have no effect upon the rights of a citizen to walk or to drive
in his own naborhood and to be alert to what is happening there
and to call his employees, the police, if he sees fit, as indeed, he
Zimmy woud have been perfectly within his rights
to tell 3 police and 7 FBI agents that he was going walking
or driving thru his naborhood and being alert for anything
happening there, for reference to police, in his discretion.
Indeed, if he saw
A WHITE breaking a window n crawling in,
he coud rightfully complain of it to police. He has the same right
to complain against the blacks.
IF u deny that, then please logically
JUSTIFY your denial
and cite to any statutory or judicial authority in support of your position.
If Frank Apisa came up with any statutory justifications, they would almost certainly be fabricated.
Frank's claim that Trayvon was acting defensively is quite clearly yet another lie. Mr. Zimmerman was not posing even the slightest threat when Trayvon hunted him down and violently assaulted him.
It is also debatable whether it would be a threat had Mr. Zimmerman still been pursuing. But that is moot, as the pursuit had long since ended.