Fergusonj shooting, autopsy in, all shots from front

Reply Wed 26 Nov, 2014 11:19 am
What do they call it when cops cover for cops who have stepped over the line?

What does it matter, unless two wrongs make it right to you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Nov, 2014 01:46 pm
What do they call it when cops cover for cops who have stepped over the line

Does it happen? Yep. Does it happen as much as it used to? Nope. Here's why. In the old days when cops did'nt get paid very much they would stick together like you have noted. The thinking was if they some how lost their job over it ...no big deal (garbage men usually made more money) they probably wouldn't go to jail and they could find another low paid job.
But in this day and age where cops are now making a decent living you would be hard pressed to find many who would risk a well paying career AND go to jail (cause in this anti-cop atmosphere they certainly would) just to cover for another cop.
Reply Wed 26 Nov, 2014 01:52 pm
Does it happen as much as it used to? Nope. Here's why. In the old days when cops did'nt get paid very much they would stick together like you have noted

Nope, cameras. The Rodney King arrest changed everything. Then came the squad car cameras, next will be all of the road cameras which will be able to do much more than catch speeders and red light runners.
Reply Wed 26 Nov, 2014 01:57 pm
Nope, cameras

Yeah... that has had some affect as well. But even without the cameras I damn sure wouldn't risk my house and kids college fund and all the nice stuff I own just to save a crooked cop. I might let a cop go for speeding but for instance DWI? I have thrown one in jail. I also through a fed in jail for shoplifting cause he wanted to fight me.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 02:38 am
You don't seem to understand CR, Officer Wilson was supposed to incapacitate the "charging" Mr. Wilson by winging him in crucial places on his body. You know, the way the Lone Ranger used to do.

Some people are, regardless of whatever facts are presented to them, just going to cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown and a whole lot to do with a racist cop who got some twisted pleasure out of pumping an unarmed black teen full of bullets.

Fortunately cooler and more fair-minded heads were in the Grand Jury who considered all of the evidence presented to them and determined there was no crime with which to charge Wilson. Proof, no doubt, to these same folks that we have a "broken" legal system and that young black males throughout the country, leave their homes everyday in great peril of being slaughtered by the police.

There are no photos or autopsy reports that you can show them or recorded statements of witnesses that you can play for them that will dislodge them from a belief that formed the minute they heard a young black man was shot and killed by a police officer.

Of course it never dawned on them that the accounts that were surfacing immediately after the shooting; that Brown was on his knees with his hands raised in the air when he was repeatedly drilled by the savage Wilson, might not be accurate. Why would Brown's friend lie about such a thing? Why would people who hate white cops lie about such a thing? Nope, the only account that gave rise to doubt was the one was supported by a video tape, that Brown, just before the shooting, had strong-armed a a grocery store owner of Indian or Pakistani descent and left with a unpaid fist-full of cigarillos. And when they couldn't deny what their own eyes were seeing, they shifted to decrying the release of the video as disparaging the victim, the Gentle Giant of Ferguson. Hell, his mother just told us on Good Morning America that Wilson didn't do what he had to do; he did want he wanted to do, and that her son could never do what the police officer was claiming. A mother can't be wrong about her son after all.

Wilson's life is in shambles now because he did what cops do (pulled over a guy who fit the description of a wanted man walking down the middle of the road) and what anyone would do when a man the size of Brown assaulted him and tried to take his gun. (I guess Brown went for the gun out of concern that the trigger happy cop might start firing and kill some innocent bystander).

These same folks also ask "Why did Wilson have to follow Brown when he ran away?" "If he had just waited in his car for back-up, Brown would still be alive," they tell us, as if it's Wilson's fault that Brown went after him again when he caught up to him, because if he had waited for back-up and then the whole group of cops caught up with Brown, the young man would have realized he couldn't overcome all of them and would have given up. That what good cops would have done.

Trying to convince any of these people that they are wrong is a futile gesture, and so I'm glad the GJ did the right thing, because imagine what might have happened if Wilson had gone to trial and these were the folks who made up the jury.

But they really shouldn't worry. Now that the civic minded NY Times has published the address of Officer Wilson and his pregnant wife, and Salon published a photograph of his house, those not content with setting fire to the town and looting neighborhood stores (including the grocery store of that poor little Indian immigrant who got pushed around by Brown at the beginning of the story) will be able to pay Wilson and his family a visit and see that justice is done.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 02:51 am
Brown's mother is a peace of work. During the other night's riots she went on a tirade against the "motherfuckers" who thought something or other was a joke. F-bombs flew as she was caught by a TV camera (of course you're not going to see that clip on any of the networks or CNN). Her declaration to the crowd was "No one has gone through what I have gone through," and the crowd responded "We love you."

I can believe that her grief is real and she painfully mourns her son, but after that tirade (and the attack she led as described in the Daily News) I can't believe that she is the author of the "family's call for a non-violent response," and with all of the TV exposure she is getting, I have a feeling that some point she is going to launch into a tirade on air.

Parent aren't necessarily at fault for all of their children's flaws, but it's pretty clear that her son wasn't a Gentle Giant and fine upstanding member of the community.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 02:52 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I would love to know what the NYT's thought the upside of that was. We should remember though that the state often publishes the name address and even car plate number of people it arrests, and the "journalists" help push the information. In that case the state clearly is trying to disrupt the life of the accused, and they are not too concerned that harm might come to the accused.

This is one of the multitude of ways that the justice system is fucked.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 02:58 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
But they really shouldn't worry. Now that the civic minded NY Times has published the address of Officer Wilson and his pregnant wife, and Salon published a photograph of his house, those not content with setting fire to the town and looting neighborhood stores (including the grocery store of that poor little Indian immigrant who got pushed around by Brown at the beginning of the story) will be able to pay Wilson and his family a visit and see that justice is done.

If anyone ever has to defend themselves against an attack by an ethnic minority, even if they have a solid case that it was self defense, they are better off, if possible, making sure all the witnesses are dead and just slipping away, letting the police chalk it all up to "gang activity".

Or, as the old saying goes: "shoot, shovel, shuddup".
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 03:08 am
I have made exactly that point re sex law. The way the penalties run now anyone who goes for rape should go for murder as well. If they are playing the odds of having more life not locked up that is a no brainer.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 03:09 am
revelette2 wrote:

To be honest, I am not too worried about your opinion, and yes I do think the rioters are protestors provoked into violence. Furthermore, from what I read of the two lawyers, the grand jury was conducted in a manner designed to not get an indictment.

Since you're not worried about the facts of this case, I don't know why I would expect you to worry about anyone's opinion and least of all mine.

Your belief that the rioters were provoked into their violence tells us a lot about the way you think. Do you also believe they are so mindless as to respond to whatever provocation you've imagined by looting and burning down neighborhood, black owned businesses? The stores they burned were covered with posters of hands in the air, in a desperate attempt to turn away the angels of mayhem with the Ferguson version of lamb's blood. It didn't, obviously, matter to the protesters, so great was their frustration, rage, and anguish. Anyone watching the film of the rioting didn't see rage and anguish, they saw a large crowd of young people having a good old time.

It's pretty clear that the Prosecuting Attorney, who knows all of the evidence available, didn't believe Wilson committed a crime. Under other circumstances he wouldn't have even brought the case to a Grand Jury. Employing such discretion would have been perfectly within the law. Convinced that there was no crime, McCulloch was under no compulsion to urge the Grand Jury to come back with an indictment. He laid out all the facts, including the five charges that the Grand Jury might consider and let them come to their conclusion. But again, you and the folks that set fire to Ferguson believe there are historical grievances that deserve the sacrifice of Office Wilson, and so the PA had to seek an indictment. The fact of the matter is that he did not have to and that the proceeding was not tainted because he did not.
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 03:16 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Lets talk about what evidence of a bad shot exists according to the mob:

The shooter was older

The shooter was white and the dead guy is black

12 shots were fired

Some witnesses say the dead guy was trying to surrender at some point, though others say the opposite.

That is it. There is no evidence of a crime. The prosecutor would be not doing his job if he allowed a trial. Ditto for a judge.
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 05:13 am
I suspect that in that jurisdiction,
violently attacking a cop is a crime.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 05:33 am
revelette2 wrote:
To be honest, I am not too worried about your opinion,
and yes I do think the rioters are protestors provoked into violence.
Thay coud be SHOT for felonious violence,
probably by their victims.

revelette2 wrote:
Furthermore, from what I read of the two lawyers, the grand jury
was conducted in a manner designed to not get an indictment.
Thay presented all of the evidence, including black testimony
that blacks at the scene encourage other blacks to tell a lot of lies
to make the cop look bad.

According to U,
shoud the D.A. have LIED to the Grand Jury to indict an innocent cop?????

When blacks act like that,
thay degrade themselves,
making themselves look progressively less respectable.

Thay are embarrassing themselves in front of the world.
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 05:42 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

revelette2 wrote:
To be honest, I am not too worried about your opinion,
and yes I do think the rioters are protestors provoked into violence.
Thay coud be SHOT for felonious violence,
probably by their victims.

I don't think I'd vote for police opening fire on people who are just damaging property. Unless there's life-threatening behavior going on, I think the cops should just collect as much evidence as they can and try to bring those people to trial.

It might sound odd, but I would give the green light for a property owner to defend his/her property by whatever means is legal in their jurisdiction. If that includes shooting the perps, well, as long as they're within the law. I wouldn't be gung ho about it, but I wouldn't prosecute the property owner over it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 07:42 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Some people are, regardless of whatever facts are presented to them, just going to cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown and a whole lot to do with a racist cop who got some twisted pleasure out of pumping an unarmed black teen full of bullets.

Yeah, I guess there are a few people who are like that, Finn, a bit twisted. But they are few compared with the twisted sicko's who think this is just another day at the office...and that the young man should have been shot dead.

Most people who are angered by what happened here DO NOT "cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown." They realize that Brown contributed to his death by doing the things he did that day. Young men do stupid, dangerous things.

But most also hope that a trained police officer would able to resolve what happened without becoming a judge and jury; finding Brown guilty of a serious crime warranting execution; and finally executioner.

Most feel that a trained police officer could and would have a situation like this end up with the young man learning an important lesson...and perhaps going on living a decent law-respecting life. That is what cops are supposed to do.

But...another young black male was gunned down...and from the sounds of things there are many here who consider that commendable...worthy of respect and even admiration.

What can you say. Humans have relatively just recently come down out of the trees...and are still filled with savagery.

One would hope, perhaps a bit naively though, that people who actually come to an Internet community to contribute might be a little more civilized than average...a little less savage.

Anyone doing so would be disappointed.

Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 08:27 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Some people are, regardless of whatever facts are presented to them, just going to cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown and a whole lot to do with a racist cop who got some twisted pleasure out of pumping an unarmed black teen full of bullets.

Yeah, I guess there are a few people who are like that, Finn, a bit twisted. But they are few compared with the twisted sicko's who think this is just another day at the office...and that the young man should have been shot dead.

Most people who are angered by what happened here DO NOT "cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown." They realize that Brown contributed to his death by doing the things he did that day. Young men do stupid, dangerous things.

But most also hope that a trained police officer would able to resolve what happened without becoming a judge and jury; finding Brown guilty of a serious crime warranting execution; and finally executioner.

Most feel that a trained police officer could and would have a situation like this end up with the young man learning an important lesson...and perhaps going on living a decent law-respecting life. That is what cops are supposed to do.

But...another young black male was gunned down...and from the sounds of things there are many here who consider that commendable...worthy of respect and even admiration.

What can you say. Humans have relatively just recently come down out of the trees...and are still filled with savagery.

One would hope, perhaps a bit naively though, that people who actually come to an Internet community to contribute might be a little more civilized than average...a little less savage.

Anyone doing so would be disappointed.

This was simply a matter of Wilson defending his life from a malicious black (not just "stupid").
OBVIOUSLY, he did the right thing.

We owe him our thanks.

Ask the police in your family if thay are agents of re-education
and have been trained for what u said.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 09:19 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Some people are, regardless of whatever facts are presented to them, just going to cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown and a whole lot to do with a racist cop who got some twisted pleasure out of pumping an unarmed black teen full of bullets.

Yeah, I guess there are a few people who are like that, Finn, a bit twisted. But they are few compared with the twisted sicko's who think this is just another day at the office...and that the young man should have been shot dead.

Most people who are angered by what happened here DO NOT "cling to their belief that Brown's death had very little to do with Brown." They realize that Brown contributed to his death by doing the things he did that day. Young men do stupid, dangerous things.

But most also hope that a trained police officer would able to resolve what happened without becoming a judge and jury; finding Brown guilty of a serious crime warranting execution; and finally executioner.

Most feel that a trained police officer could and would have a situation like this end up with the young man learning an important lesson...and perhaps going on living a decent law-respecting life. That is what cops are supposed to do.

But...another young black male was gunned down...and from the sounds of things there are many here who consider that commendable...worthy of respect and even admiration.

What can you say. Humans have relatively just recently come down out of the trees...and are still filled with savagery.

One would hope, perhaps a bit naively though, that people who actually come to an Internet community to contribute might be a little more civilized than average...a little less savage.

Anyone doing so would be disappointed.

This was simply a matter of Wilson defending his life from a malicious black (not just "stupid").
OBVIOUSLY, he did the right thing.

We owe him our thanks.

Ask the police in your family if thay are agents of re-education
and have been trained for what u said.

I understand why you are being charged with a lack of humanity, David.
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 09:55 am
@Frank Apisa,
My DNA proves my humanity, Frank.
U r not going to get away with re-defining humanity.

Wilson killed evil, in self defense. That was a GOOD thing to do. That was a human thing to do.

The principle is similar to killing a rabid dog, when he is charging u.
He is too dangerous to tolerate. Let 's be glad.

EVERY human shoud act that way. Keep it simple.

Ask if the cops consider it their mission to be teachers, or just to enforce the law.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2014 10:00 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

My DNA proves my humanity, Frank.
U r not going to get away with re-defining humanity.

Wilson killed evil, in self defense. That was a GOOD thing to do. That was a human thing to do.

EVERY human shoud act that way. Keep it simple.

Ask if the cops consider it their mission to be teachers, or just to enforce the law.

I'm not trying to define it away, David. I like you...despite the lack of humanity in many of your posts where guns are concerned.

Anyway...have a good Thanksgiving. I remember well the way you attacked that turkey leg at the 2nd Av Deli. By the way, Tsarstepan was there also that day. Not sure if you realized that.
Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2014 02:35 pm
I think the witnesses to the murder and the police in question should take a polygraph test

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