@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
My DNA proves my humanity, Frank.
U r not going to get away with re-defining humanity.
Wilson killed evil, in self defense. That was a GOOD thing to do. That was a human thing to do.
EVERY human shoud act that way. Keep it simple.
Ask if the cops consider it their mission to be teachers, or just to enforce the law.
I'm not trying to define it away, David. I like you...despite the lack of humanity in many of your posts where guns are concerned.
Anyway...have a good Thanksgiving. I remember well the way you attacked that turkey leg at the 2nd Av Deli. By the way, Tsarstepan was there also that day. Not sure if you realized that.
Thank u. I hope u had a happy Thanksgiving.
I was very sick this week; stomach ache, especially on Tuesday.
I almost went back to the hospital.
Its not so bad now, but interferes with my memory.
I make a lot of mistakes in posting. Low energy.
Yes, I met Tsarstepan. We went to some Italian
restaurants for dinner a few times; fine fellow.