I can't believe you are using "square."
You're play on words didn't escape me, but I assumed (and perhaps this is where I made my mistake) that you were clever enough to try for a mild chuckle
and express vehement agreement with Engineer.
It wasn't a very amusing play on words, and certainly not as amusing as your declaration, "My response is funny..." and your assumption that you need to explain your comedic genius. I'm sorry I didn't provide a nod to it in my reply because we could have save ourselves this boring exchange.
In any case, I agree completely with your point that people who frequent this forum shouldn't complain about what they consider "offensive" comments (and for the umpteenth time, I didn't personally find any of your comments offensive), but just as you are forever decrying
bigotry and then demonstrating your own as respects Christians and conservatives, I believe you have, in the past, complained of
offensive comments. If this is actually not the case I apologize for asserting it is, but it is nice to know that you have now assured us all that going forward you never will.