There really isn't anything new to report. We'd agreed to put things on the back burner until school started so I think they've been chatting a little (but just a little) and we've invited her for dinner this weekend.
I'm still waiting to hear from her.
I think she has the girls this weekend which might complicate things. She said that she could bring them but I get the feeling she doesn't want to do that... yet. I totally understand that.
And honestly, I'd really rather she didn't. They're much more familiar with her and I think that could be problematic. I'd rather put it off for a week and have things be much more low-key. I think it might be overwhelming for Mo too.
Really though, he hasn't been stressed out or obsessive about this, which surprises me. Maybe this IS a good age to have this happen. Maybe the way we've talked about her over the years makes it easy for him. Maybe the great, casual way she first contacted him makes him more comfortable. I don't know. I don't get the feeling he's hiding his emotions about it but he doesn't seem to feel a lot about it. I don't know whether that's good or bad.
One thing that keeps nagging at me -- and this is probably stupid -- but when we first met for lunch one of the first things she asked me was "Does he remember..... anything?" She seemed really relieved when I said "No. Nothing."
I know things weren't good for him at home those first years. It just keeps nagging me that maybe I don't know the extent of how bad they might have been.
I will never have that question answered.
I'm okay with that. We've all moved past that.
But still....
Now I'm officially rambling.