Bergdahl Prisoner Swap:Obama Obeys ONLY the Laws He Wants To.

Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 06:12 am
Agree, bring him home. Yet, no one can answer why him and why now and why for 5 Gitmo detainees?

This administration to me is AGAIN attempting to cover up ineptitude over it's failure in telling the entire truth surrounding the release of the 5 Gitmos or something else even more sinister.

For Susan Rice to say he served "honorably" and Spokeperson Hahn to say they did not know the circumstances wreaks of a coverup.
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 06:32 am
You guys seem to live to see conspiracy theories and cover ups behind every corner, by all means, have some more hearings. We got nothing better to spend our tax money on.

The former Bush advisor said the particular Taliban members who were picked (because they were the ones chosen by the Taliban) did not commit crimes against Americans. In other words, they were not AQ or terrorist but leaders of the Taliban who were governing at the time we invaded. In 2009 the Obama administration did do away with the term "enemy combatant" looked it up on Wikipedia, however, I am not sure how that changed the status of prisoners so I won't go into that. My point is that I have read from several sources that most of the Taliban will be released at the war which will end by the year 2016, the combat phase by the end of this year.

Perhaps Susan Rice messed up by saying honorably, I don't know. Perhaps up until he might have deserted, (he has not been officially charged) he could have served honorably while still having those expressed sentiments.

Look it at this way, Susan Rice along with Obama will soon be gone and I think America will survive and be in better shape than we was at the end of 2008.
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 07:50 am
They don't have a Whitewater or intern scandal to form committees on. They gotta take what they can get.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 08:01 am
GOP congressman draws parallel between Bergdahl, John Kerry
06/05/14 08:00 AM
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By Steve Benen
The trajectory of Republican rhetoric following the rescue of the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has been one of the more bizarre political developments in recent memory. Last night on Fox News, it seemed to reach Peak Nonsense, which is no easy task.

Republicans were happy about an American POW coming home; then they changed their minds. Republicans endorsed the prisoner swap itself; then they changed their minds. Republicans extended their thoughts and prayers to Bergdahl and his family; then they changed their minds. Republicans demanded that the Obama administration had a responsibility to do everything humanly possible to free this POW from his captors; then they changed their minds.

Even by 2014 standards, watching this unfold over the last several days has been painful.

But just when it seemed the right’s talking points couldn’t possibly reach new depths, along comes Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.).
California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter compared Secretary of State John Kerry to Bergdahl, saying Kerry “turned his back” on his fellow soldiers like Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the recently released prisoner of war, who some have claimed was a deserter.

“As John Kerry threw his medals over the White House fence and turned his back on all of his Vietnam brothers and sisters, that’s what Bergdahl did,” Hunter said in an interview with Fox News. “Bergdahl walked away from his men and he left them in a bad spot. People lost their lives or got hurt trying to find him.”
Hunter added that the release of an American POW was “a botched foreign policy move.”

There was no indication that the right-wing congressman was kidding.

It’s fairly obvious at this point that facts are no longer relevant in this conversation, but I thought I’d note that Kerry is a decorated war veteran who earned a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. For anyone, least of all an elected federal lawmaker, to argue on national television that Kerry “turned his back” on servicemen and women is disgusting.

Kerry’s willingness to protest the war in which he served as been the subject of considerable debate, but in Hunter’s mind, those protests are apparently comparable to desertion. I’ve tried to think of a way in which that’s coherent. I haven’t come up with anything.

For those unfamiliar with Hunter, it’s worth noting for context that the far-right Californian last year suggested using “tactical nuclear weapons” in Iran in order to “set them back a decade or two or three.”

Around the same time, the 37-year-old congressman said “lying” is simply a part of “Middle Eastern culture.”
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 10:06 am
Around the same time, the 37-year-old congressman said “lying” is simply a part of “Middle Eastern culture.”

It is. Islam has the right(self declared)to lie to advance Islam. And it is perfectly alright to disavow any agreement reached at anytime.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 10:09 am
This is a self inflicted wound, Obama did it to himself. All he had to do was consult with Congress, even informally, to get cover. But it appears he never picked up the phone to even D's. What we see here is Obama being a victim of his inability/unwillingness to work work with others. It looks pathologic, as often in this case there is no reasonable rational reason to for his not trying to work with others.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 10:24 am
Someone in the Obama Admin Should Read This (out loud) to the Cabinet


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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 10:53 am

I've been curious, how is people know what he wrote to his family? Was his mail opened and distributed to the press?

In any case, whether he is guilty of desertion or not, (he could have been just talking about it and the coincidently got snatched, unlikely but possible) he still deserved to come home and if at the end of the day he is found guilty, deserves a trial with a lawyer.

Rev, thanks much for posting the info re GWB release of "500 detainees from Guantanamo."....Don't see how I missed that!! Wow! The level of hypocrisy that existed within the GWB administration is chilling....enough to make one's stomach churn. Here we have the two-faced McCain who at one time agreed to doing everything to bring Bergdahl home, even swapping prisoners was OK.....now it's like this act by President Obama has brought the US to its knees at the mercy of all the terrorists and in perilous danger.....this is all political garbage! GWB created such a hell on earth for the Iraqi people that the US has made enough enemies to last several lifetimes.

Ronald Reagan made a deal with Iran to withhold 52 hostages until after his first inauguration. In exchange for delaying the release of the 52 American hostages, Reagan supplied some of the most advanced military weapons and hard-to-get airplane parts to the Persian government. This act was treasonous! And yet today in American the Republicans place RR on a pedestal as one of the best ever. Truth be known, as soon as Reagan became president, the homeless hit the streets on the corner of every metropolitan city in the US. RR was a president for the rich and mega rich.

There has been an avalanche of criticism and suspicion of the elder Bergdahl’s actions, statements, and motivations which is fueling conspiracy theories. Re your questioning how the press found out what was in Bergdahl's notes to his parents, well, the contents were shared with the public by them; a close female friend of Bergdahl (who is still standing by him) also publicly stated what was in his notes which spoke of a little girl run over by a US military truck and he was so emotionally shaken by that event he vented emotionally inside his notes home.

Anytime a soldier walks away from his unit he is automatically classified as a deserter. The Pentagon concluded in 2010 that Bergdahl walked away from his unit, so he falls under that category of "deserter."

PS Rev, I'm on your side. The assassination of Bergdahl's character through the social media is damning. And this type of hype sensationalizes the human drama for the intense interest of the public who eat it up.
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:02 am
The assassination of Bergdahl's character through the social media is damning. And this type of hype sensationalizes the human drama for the intense interest of the public who eat it up.

Now let's get this straight. Only people that agree with you can assassinate character. That is the liberals life blood. No one else is allowed? Get a life.

And Bush released those people because there was not room at GITMO. They were evaluated and the low risk ones were released.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:07 am
Perhaps Rice messed up?? How about Spokeperson Hahn? She mess up too? How about Obama and his lovely Rose Garden ceremony?

Obama has hired rank amateurs to represent him as spokspersons or cabinet members. Based upon the track record of these 2 women, how can anyone have confidence we are being told the truth by this administration.

Why not just tell the truth. "we know there are some issues surrounding Berghdal ...."
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:13 am
Why not just tell the truth.

Actually it is too late. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind. The credibility of this administration is history. Look at Harry Reids reaction.
Harry Reid To Critics Of Bergdahl Deal: Shut Up
by Lonely Conservative • June 5, 2014 • 19 Comments

Harry Reid doesn’t want anyone questioning the exchange of 5 top Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo Bay for Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his unit before he was held by the Taliban and their fellow terrorists. He says critics of the deal are only looking to score political points.

Hmmm. Is Leon Panetta just trying to score political points?

Are former members of his platoon just trying to score political points?

What about the parents whose sons died looking for Bergdahl? Are they just trying to score a few points?

What a nasty, nasty man. This whole thing was a dangerous political stunt on the part of the White House, and now they’re wondering why the reaction has been so negative.

Oh, and he was informed of the deal on Friday, but it sounds like he was the only one in Congress that courtesy was extended to.

Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:23 am
coldjoint wrote:
Why not just tell the truth.

Actually it is too late. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
The credibility of this administration is history.
Look at Harry Reids reaction.

Harry Reid To Critics Of Bergdahl Deal: Shut Up
by Lonely Conservative • June 5, 2014 • 19 Comments

Harry Reid doesn’t want anyone questioning the exchange of 5 top Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo Bay for Bowe Bergdahl, who deserted his unit before he was held by the Taliban and their fellow terrorists. He says critics of the deal are only looking to score political points.

Hmmm. Is Leon Panetta just trying to score political points?

Are former members of his platoon just trying to score political points?

What about the parents whose sons died looking for Bergdahl? Are they just trying to score a few points?

What a nasty, nasty man. This whole thing was a dangerous political stunt on the part of the White House, and now they’re wondering why the reaction has been so negative.

Oh, and he was informed of the deal on Friday, but it sounds like he was the only one in Congress that courtesy was extended to.

That 's a GOOD POST, Coldjoint!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:41 am
I guess his family while no doubt having good intentions are harming him by these statements and leaking his notes to the press which now used against him.

I agree, the whole right wing frenzy is sickening in this situation, stomach turning. I feel sorry for Bergdahl coming home to all this, and then possibly to face a military trial and this after already being in a Taliban prison and suffered who know what. He may well have deserted, but I think he is going to pay for the rest of his life, if he makes it that long. He might get shot by a crazy loon before it is all over.
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:48 am
He might get shot by a crazy loon before it is all over.

You could say that about everyone who dies at the hands of the terrorists released.
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:52 am
coldjoint wrote:

He might get shot by a crazy loon before it is all over.

You could say that about everyone who dies at the hands of the terrorists released.
That 's more than a rhetorical point.

Those Moslem fanatics will kill as many of us as possible,
as soon as thay possibly can.
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:55 am

Taliban Commander Says More Kidnappings to Come After Bergdahl Deal
Posted by Jammie on Jun 05, 2014 at 8:05 am

Thanks, Obama!

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME by telephone Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the commander said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”

The U.S. agreed on May 31 to exchange five Taliban commanders from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for Bergdahl, America’s only living prisoner of war. Following the deal, the outpouring of relief by those who had long lobbied to “Bring Bowe Home” was soon eclipsed by accusations and recriminations as Republican lawmakers accused the administration of making a dangerous precedent.

But hey, the Taliban aren’t the enemy, critics of Obama are:


0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:56 am
Those Moslem fanatics will kill as many of us as possible,
as soon as thay possibly can.

And they will also kill any Muslim that gets it their way.
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 11:57 am
Why would you feel sorry for Bergdhal if he is found to be guilty of desertion?

I have no problem getting a soldier back, even if he is guilty of desertion, and having him face trial him here.

My problem is with how this administration is trying to spin it. When will Obama and his folks learn to just tell the truth. If they can not for security reasons, just say so. Stop bashing the soldiers Baghdal served with !!!!
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 12:00 pm
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Reply Thu 5 Jun, 2014 12:00 pm
Why do you feel sorry for someone who deserted their battle buddies? If he would have stayed put and followed orders like he is suppose to, he wouldn't have ended up in the hands of the Taliban. He has to only blame himself. He can also blame the Obama Administration. They were the ones, Susan Rice, coming out on TV and saying he has served with honor and distinction, it was a complete lie. Those with Honor do not walk away from their buddies in a war zone.

This isn't a right wing reaction. There are money on the left who are now questioning the release of the 5 Taliban in exchange for someone who was suspected of deserting and at worse being a traitor. We can say for sure right now that he did leave his unit of his own free will. What he said to the Taliban while in their custody is still to be determined.

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