OmSigDAVID wrote:Saddam was not much of a Moslem. He was a Saddamite,
but he might have nuked us anyway.
He was intolerably dangerous.
His sons were worse.
InfraBlue wrote:He didn't have any nukes. How was he intolerably dangerous?
He lived right next door to Russia.
After the USSR ignominiously collapsed and went out of business,
Saddam had a bunch of half starving Russian scientists for his nabors,
who might be prevailed upon to sell some nukes. Some ex-commie military officers
might also be inclined to make a ruble with that.
Intolerably risky for us. We knew that he was a homicidal maniac
with a grudge against us for kicking him out of Kuwait.
He cud have put a nuke on a boat and floated it
in the direction of an American port city,
in one of which, I used to reside.