Quote:How much are they collecting in entitlements?
That's a good question and there are those that say that because you can't apply for food stamps or welfare unless you have papers they aren't getting much. Mostly free school lunches and such
And in 2011 alone they left 11 billion in Social Security and 3 billion in Medicare that they will never collect. It'll be disbursed to American seniors.
But if you can dredge up some figures I'd be interested.
Quote: They are in no way going to contribute more in taxes then what they get in entitlements.
You say that as if you think Hispanics are lazy welfare collectors.
Nothing could be further from the truths. Their work ethic blows ours out of the water.
I've already shown you how the Red States collect more in entitlements than they contribute in taxes. And these are Americans.
In the end, with you, it's the fear of foreigners, a xenophobia rooted in racism.
Quote:U.S. American xenophobia, based on the assumption that “our country” is defined by, and should maintain, its dominant white European heritage is rooted in the myth of the U.S. as a nation of European immigrants.
As Pat Buchanan said:"
They are taking our country away from
No disrespect Bubba but the times they are a-changin' despite all the whining.