@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
This simple truth is incomprehensible to right wingers.
The fraud of voter fraud is in the alleging the fraud.
Please allow me a loud....
That is
Frank Apisa wrote:Nothing irrational about it, David.
More than 1ce,
I asked U to distinguish any difference in principle
between requiring pictures on gun licenses or on driver's licences
from voter's registration cards. U failed. U came up
U cud not answer me; u did not answer me. Your refuge from truth
was in
IGNORING my question.
Frank Apisa wrote:You want "irrational?"
Well, u already gave it to me.
(This is fun; its like playing tennis without working up a sweat.)
Frank Apisa wrote:Take your "children in grammar school should be allowed to carry guns to school"
to a psychiatrist...and he/she will explain "irrational" to you.
Frank, if it is so "irrational" as u allege, then how come
no harm came from it when I did it for years,
As a child, walking home from school, it was
necessary for me to defend myself from dogs
who were aggressively threatening me in the street.
Thay did not consummate their attack and I did not shoot them.
It was
good not to be helpless. It supported my
( Maybe it wud have been different with u; I dunno. )
We were 1ce required to do "show and tell" in English class.
I brought in an M-1 Carbine and I field stripped it, explaining it
in front of the class. I got a decent grade after carrying it thru
the school all day (well, part of the day). No trouble.
No blood.
We brought our own guns to gunnery practice on the school's range.
We loved gunnery practice. I did, tho I was never accurate enuf
to make the team. (I'm not a bad shot, but some guys [and some girls] were better.)
Your psychiatrist will agree with me or with u,
depending on the adequacy of his information and on his
Frank, please accept my
bona fides in telling u that I ached (emotionally)
that history had not been a little
different in the school murders,
such that some of the students had defensively pulled out
their own guns
and killed the murderers
before thay executed most of their carnage,
but sadly, heart-breakingly, the student-victims
all supported gun control enuf to obay it.
The price of
obaying gun control laws is
in the discretion of the predators.
The death penalty applies to
OBAYING gun control laws.