blatham writes:
Quote:I are being insufficiently discriminating in suggesting that there is no important difference in the religiosity of this President, and those who have preceded him.
I disagree. I have not suggested there is no difference in the religiosity of this President and (some of those) who have preceded him. I happen to believe GWB's faith is genuine and that he does not demonstrate it in phony ways. That is also irrelevant to this discussion.
What I have suggested, and what I believe I have adequately demonstrated in the posted examples on this thread, is that this president does not inappropriately invoke the name of God, Bible, Christianity, etc. unless all U.S. presidents over at least the last 100+ years have inappropriately invoked the name of God, Bible, Christianity, etc. There is no empirical or verifiable documented evidence that Bush's religion is somehow more dangerous or sinister.
And returning to the thesis in the thread, I think those who attack the president on the basis of his professed religious beliefs not only do him a disservice, but do a disservice to their own cause as well. I believe most Americans see the attacks as coming from prejudice and bigotry rather than coming from any rational or legitimate criteria.