Quote:How would I know? But, what would you propose I, or anyone else then do, since being born in the U.S. was due to circumstances beyond my control. Do you see that your pejorative accusations do not include any recommendations.
First and most sensible recommendation, Foofie, is to stop making excuses for their criminal behavior. That includes both the US and Israel.
Your birth came into what is supposed to be the grandest democracy the world has ever seen. What kind of democracy murders innocents and steal the wealth of poor people?
Another sensible recommendation would be - don't allow this to continue. Another part of this grand democracy isn't that you should be a shrinking violet - remember 'government of the people, by the people for the people'.
Is illegally invading sovereign nations, murdering innocents, killing babies and children, destroying peoples' countries and lives, ... a good example of what the people of this grand democracy want?
Really, I know that you are intelligent enough to have thought of this recommendations yourself.