My first choice for the next President

Reply Fri 8 Nov, 2013 04:32 pm
I don't know a lot about Christi and I suspect not that many outside his state do, either. That makes for a more electable candidate.

You have a point there, Ed. Ordinary Americans outside New Jersey d o not know this man. Trust me, they will soon learn who he is. Christi has a short fuse and is just as conservative as the rest of the GOP. However, he's a shrewd politician, and was able to become governor in a blue state. Before Sandy hit New Jersey, his ratings were so-so. After Sandy, he catapulted to the position of the most important Republican who could work across the line with Obama. He now has national status.

I am no fan of Chris Christi. He cut funds for education, laid off many teachers, is against Gay marriages the judges overruled him and now Gay marriage can take place in Jersey. His image compared to Ted Cruz, the lizard, makes the Governor seem moderate and almost tame. Christi can be coarse, rude and obnoxious to the public. He responded to one woman who asked why he sent his children to private schools while cutting public school funds by screeching at her, saying "where I send my children to school is none of your business!" He calls reporters "idiot" to their face. The man is hostile to minorities and in love with the rich. There's so much more, but unless something catastrophic happens to all the Dems and Repubs, Chris Christi will never be president of these United States. A poll was taken right after the election and the people of Jersey voted for Hillary Clinton over Christi ...even his own state would vote for Hillary Clinton over Christi.
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 07:26 am
Well, puts a different light on Christi.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 07:14 am
Well, maybe people like you do not want to hear the truth. You like to have your hand held by celebrities like Hillary. She will tell you everything is OK and her village will take care of you.

Sorry. Most Americans want to hear exactly what a candidate believes, whether they agree with it or not. Apparently, not you.

Many reports are idiots and deserve to be called out. Christie faces the tough problems, especially with the teachers unions, and works to obtain a consensus with the democratic legislature to start solving problems HE INHERITED. He did NOT cut fund to education, he is trying to stop the waste created by the Teachers Union.

And yes, it is none of your business where he sends his children to school. You did not care where Clinton or Obama send there kids to school.

So stop whining!!! Clinton is yesterdays madness and should never be considered as a candidate. She has governed NOTHING, she failed as Sec of State, she was a failure as a carpet bagging Senator.

It is the DEMS who need a new voice and vision.

Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 07:31 am
woiyo wrote:

Well, maybe people like you do not want to hear the truth. You like to have your hand held by celebrities like Hillary. She will tell you everything is OK and her village will take care of you.

Sorry. Most Americans want to hear exactly what a candidate believes, whether they agree with it or not. Apparently, not you.

Many reports are idiots and deserve to be called out. Christie faces the tough problems, especially with the teachers unions, and works to obtain a consensus with the democratic legislature to start solving problems HE INHERITED. He did NOT cut fund to education, he is trying to stop the waste created by the Teachers Union.

And yes, it is none of your business where he sends his children to school. You did not care where Clinton or Obama send there kids to school.

So stop whining!!! Clinton is yesterdays madness and should never be considered as a candidate. She has governed NOTHING, she failed as Sec of State, she was a failure as a carpet bagging Senator.

It is the DEMS who need a new voice and vision.

I cannot tell you how delighted I am that folk like you think that way, Woiyo. I don't honestly think you guys are in the tank yet...but I want very much for that to be the case. The guys on your side who are realistic and worry...are dangerous because they may save you from going completely in the tank...but you, and the many who think as you do...you are my friends. I love you for your defiance of political reality.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 07:47 am
Woiyo said- "It is the DEMS who need a new voice and vision"

The Reps too; their last two Pres candidates flopped bigtime.
I mean, Johnny McCain was a nice enough guy but 10 years too old to be Pres, he doddered about on stage in televised debates and I honestly expected him to keel over anytime. If he was Pres i can just imagine how it'd go-
AIDE- "Wake up Mr President, the russians are invading Alaska across the Bering Strait!"
McCAIN- "Huh? What? Where's the Bering Strait? Okay scramble our B-17 and Curtiss Jenny squadrons and order Custer to ride north!"

Next time the Reps goofed again by fielding Mitt Romney, he looked far too squeaky-clean to be a regular guy and the voters decided they didn't want a shopwindow mannequin in the White House whose teeth were whiter than it.

Personally I hope Sarah Palin re-enters the fray, she'd make a great Pres, her itchy finger would be permanently hovering over the nuke button.
In a perfect world McCain would have been voted Pres and then had to quit shortly after because of age-related health problems, leaving Vice-Pres Sarah to take over as Pres and nobody better mess with her-
AIDE- "President Palin, our radar has detected a large group of blips approaching Alaska across the Bering Strait from Russia"
SARAH (pressing nuke missile launch button)- "Fly babies, fly!"
AIDE (watchig teleprinter)- "Wait Madam President, a recon flight has just positively identified the blips as a large herd of swimming migrating mooses, quick press the missile self-destruct button!"
SARAH- "F**k you jack, they're commie mooses ain't they"
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 09:21 am
@Frank Apisa,
You are getting old Frank as your post reads like the ramblings of a fool.

The only political reality in this country is the Dems are corrupt and the Repubs are corrupt.

I favor elected officials who represent their constituents and actually Govern.

I am not sure what you favor in your elected officials, except that they must all be of the same party.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 09:36 am
woiyo wrote:

You are getting old Frank as your post reads like the ramblings of a fool.

I am not getting old, Woiyo...I am old; 77 years old. I acknowledge that I am on the downhill side of this trek.

My posts do not read like those of a rambling fool; they read quite nicely.

The only political reality in this country is the Dems are corrupt and the Repubs are corrupt.

The actual reality that most people like you (who want to assess politicians) miss... is that humans are corrupt in the sense you mean. Humans look out for themselves and their families first. All our politicians are humans...which means they look out for themselves and their families first.

I favor elected officials who represent their constituents and actually Govern.

Where do you propose getting them from...Mars?

We have pretty much establish there is no intelligent life there...and probably nowhere else in our system of planets. So where are you going to get these elected officials from. And since about half of our people want "X"...and the other half want not-"X"...how the hell is anyone going to "represent"their constituents?

I am not sure what you favor in your elected officials, except that they must all be of the same party.

I am a Registered Independent, Woiyo. I try to vote for people I think will best defend and expand the safety net programs I think a wealthy country like ours ought to have. Which, for the most part, means that I never vote for any Republicans.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 10:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Fabulously dumb, Romeo. You're making a habit of this.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 10:42 am
@Frank Apisa,
Woiyo is one of those I dont usually post to so I am going address my post to you frank if you dont mind. All the good republican presidential material has already been used, Regan, Nixon, Bush, Bush so all thats left are the dregs of the party.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 11:04 am
Schwarzenegger would make a good Pres but I think the rules don't allow foreigners to run.
Huh, most US citizens are foreigners anyway..Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 11:18 am
@Frank Apisa,
Defend and expand the safety net program? We already have too much abuse of the safety net program because both crime families do not provide any oversight. Why? They want to buy the votes of the deadbeats who abuse the system.

I do not have to go to Mars to find a candidate who seems to want to protect the taxpayers from abusers while maintaining safety nets for those who actually need them.

I can go to New Jersey and find a Gov who shares the same opinion as me in this regard.

Too bad you will not open you eyes and actually be the objective independent you pretend to be.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 11:33 am
woiyo wrote:

Defend and expand the safety net program? We already have too much abuse of the safety net program because both crime families do not provide any oversight. Why? They want to buy the votes of the deadbeats who abuse the system.

I do not have to go to Mars to find a candidate who seems to want to protect the taxpayers from abusers while maintaining safety nets for those who actually need them.

I can go to New Jersey and find a Gov who shares the same opinion as me in this regard.

Too bad you will not open you eyes and actually be the objective independent you pretend to be.

I am in New Jersey...and whatever you people out there see in our governor is beyond me. He has lots of personality...and I can understand his aggressive, in-your-face, screw you/hooray for me attitude plays well with those of us from this state, but c'mon...you people out there have to be above that nonsense!

In any case, like any politician, Christie would sell you and your agenda down the river in a New Jersey second if it meant he had to choose between "your agenda" and "what he wants for himself."

But your naivete' is cute...and I thank you for expressing it publicly.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 01:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Your blind partisanship is what is keeping you from seeing the progress made in Jersey since he inherited the mess from Corzine.

I understand you like people to hold hands and say everything is OK, even when it is not. I understand you want to safety net to help everyone who wants something.

But guess what. Reality does not work that way. Somebody has to earn it.

Given that the country is at it's lowest employment level since 1978 (63.5%), we need a leader to tell the truth about the problems and get this job market growing so we can provide for those who actually need the handout.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 01:44 pm
woiyo wrote:

Your blind partisanship is what is keeping you from seeing the progress made in Jersey since he inherited the mess from Corzine.

I am not a partisan, Woiyo...I am a Registered Independent. Christie is a bully and a huge threat to any safety net programs...and he is an ideologue. He is the FIRST governor of New Jersey to politicize the judiciary...and he is trying to load up the state Supreme Court so he defeat progressive programs.

I understand you like people to hold hands and say everything is OK, even when it is not.

Then you "understand" wrong. I am perfectly willing to say things are not OK when they are not. In fact, I AM saying that about Christie and his "leadership" style.

I understand you want to safety net to help everyone who wants something.

You ought really to put that "I understand" phrase somewhere for storage, Woiyo. You do not understand.

I do want safety net programs for people who need them. There are lots of those kinds of people in this country...whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

But guess what. Reality does not work that way. Somebody has to earn it.

There are all sorts of complicated processes to a complex economy...but if a country the with the wealth we have cannot provide a safety net for the poorest...and provide some way to insure that the disparity between rich and poor does not continue to widen...then we are in big trouble.

I think conservative Republican thinking adds to the problem rather than subtracts.

Given that the country is at it's lowest employment level since 1978 (63.5%), we need a leader to tell the truth about the problems and get this job market growing so we can provide for those who actually need the handout.

Right. The president is going to "get the job market growing!"

In your dreams!

The value of human labor is peanuts. Neither party is willing to acknowledge that, because the people are not ready to hear about it.

Christie is a phony in that department. He is perfectly willing to let the richest get more and more tax breaks and benefits...even if it means cutting what is left for (what is left of) the middle class and the poor.

He is a horrible choice for the top job. But the fact remains that he has so much hidden baggage, I am guessing there are top Democrats hoping he gets the nod.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 02:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yea all that hidden baggage got him 61% of the vote.

Federal policy can hinder employment growth. You should know that. Federal policy can also help employment growth. You should know that.

You say you are not partisan? Registering as Independent the voting exclusively Democratic does not make you "independent".
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 02:57 pm
woiyo wrote:

Yea all that hidden baggage got him 61% of the vote.

This is New Jersey.

Federal policy can hinder employment growth. You should know that. Federal policy can also help employment growth. You should know that.

Federal policy cannot do anything when there is no need to pay people a living wage to do the kinds of jobs people can do.

But, we agree that we want to see the best person in the job of president. We just disagree on who that person should be.

You say you are not partisan? Registering as Independent the voting exclusively Democratic does not make you "independent".

Did I say that I vote exclusively Democratic...or did you just make that up?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 04:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Who was the last Republican you voted for Frank.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 04:35 pm
@Frank Apisa,

In any case, like any politician, Christie would sell you and your agenda down the river in a New Jersey second if it meant he had to choose between "your agenda" and "what he wants for himself."

You are so true. Christi was one of the keynote speakers at Mitt Romney's GOP Convention; he barely mentioned the main presidential candidate, Mitt Romney himself, but spoke at length about himself. Talking about self-serving and stuck on one's self....I've never seen anything like it. He was so afraid he might be overshadowed in the forth coming Governor's election, that he spent taxpayer money to have a special election so Corey Booker would not be on his ticket. What an egomaniac. I agree Chris Christi is a bully but this might be because growing up he was immensely overweight and kids being kids might have ridiculed his heaviness.
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 04:43 pm
But at least he was profusive in his praise for President Obama's handling of the Hurricane Sandy situation. Give the devil his due, you know.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 12 Nov, 2013 05:26 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Who was the last Republican you voted for Frank.

Ronald Reagan. I do regret that vote.

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