My first choice for the next President

Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 01:16 pm
Dear George, for a collage student your reading comprehension seems to be lacking. Everything I read says that due to Trumps policies we are going into a recession which is why he wants a negative interest rate. He is trying to save his crooked ass by gaming the system.
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 01:23 pm
I think there is a big difference between Warren and Clinton.

Clinton lost because she was seen as condescending and elite. Her debate "wins" actually hurt her by emphasizing her weaknesses. Clinton stepped right into Trump's attacks.

Warren's message of "I have a plan for that"... is pretty good. I think she can sidestep Trump's punches much more effectively then Clinton did.
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 01:40 pm
Clinton lost because she dident politic hard enough and the conservative Russian brain washing system convinced a pluarity of u s citizens to vote for a known crook over someone who has been a honest politician for the last 27 years.
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 01:51 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Dear George, for a collage student your reading comprehension seems to be lacking. Everything I read says that due to Trumps policies we are going into a recession which is why he wants a negative interest rate. He is trying to save his crooked ass by gaming the system.

WTF is a "collage student" ?

I don't think you represent a particularly useful standard for the breadth and extent of your reading, and that your comments above count for much.

IN particular, I don't know what or how much you read, but I don't doubt that you can find, and stick, with a narrow source for your information concerning ongoing events. Certainly your posts don't suggest any broad understanding of the contesting viewpoints out there.
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 05:24 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Dear George, for a collage student your reading comprehension seems to be lacking. Everything I read says that due to Trumps policies we are going into a recession which is why he wants a negative interest rate. He is trying to save his crooked ass by gaming the system.

You should NEVER criticize anyone’s intelligence in any way ever—unless you get someone else to write the post.
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 08:22 pm
Clinton? Honest politician?

Hillary disgusted many of the voters who voted for her.

That election was a race between two sleazy candidates both of whom were disliked by a majority of Americans. It was a race to the bottom.

Don't blame it on the Russians. Hillary is seen as elitist condescending and out of touch.
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 11:43 pm
Dident say anything about intelligence. Only reading comprehension. But George has pointed out more than once how stupid I am, in his exalted opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Sep, 2019 11:45 pm
I Dident blame the Russians. The F B I and the C I A did.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2019 12:50 am
Labour has said it is "more important than ever" that Parliament is recalled after the government published its no-deal Brexit assessment.

Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said the Yellowhammer document confirms there are "severe risks" if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

MPs forced the government to release the file before Parliament was suspended - or prorogued - on Tuesday.

The government said no-deal mitigations would be published in due course.

Sir Keir said recalling Parliament would allow MPs "the opportunity to scrutinise these documents and take all steps necessary to stop no-deal".

His comments followed a ruling by Scotland's highest civil court on Thursday that the government's proroguing of Parliament was unlawful.

The Yellowhammer file, which is redacted in parts and almost identical to a version leaked to the Sunday Times last month, says a no-deal Brexit could lead to:

1)a "decrease" in certain types of fresh food and "shorter supply" of key ingredients

2)price rises for food and fuel, which would "disproportionately" affect those with low incomes

3)"disruption lasting up to six months" potentially affecting medicines and medical supplies

4)protests and counter-protests across the UK

5)lorries waiting for more than two days to cross the English Channel.

The document also says some businesses could cease trading, the black market could grow, and some adult social care providers might fail.

Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2019 08:24 pm
georgeob1, the ultimate chickens**t, finger pointing. Oh the stunning hypocrisy!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2019 08:26 pm
You lot are such stunning hypocrites, as I have mentioned time and again.

My first choice for the next President

Izzy is one of the worst for throwing out that old canard about being off topic and look what he posts. You lot use that sorry excuse when you have got diddly squat to offer in response.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 01:30 pm
Julián Castro Endorses Elizabeth Warren, Days After Ending His Campaign
Just days after ending his campaign for president, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro is endorsing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

The two will hold a rally together Tuesday evening in Brooklyn.

Castro's endorsement is the most high-profile yet from a onetime 2020 candidate.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2020 02:39 pm
Bernie has some good ideas. But thinking he can get them done in 4 years is not rational. Biden is a centrist politician just like Bill Clinton and most so called liberal democrats. I think I have decided that Warren may be the best democratic who will make a democrat of the people. This is subject to change depending on the future events.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2020 03:49 pm
You gotta ask yourself: does she have a chance at beating war chest, warbird trump?

Only one democrat has a chance.

Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2020 05:14 pm
Schumer isn't running though.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2020 02:13 pm
Ok, going into New Hampshire, my order is:


Willing to listen to more of Duval and Wang but I don't see them as real contenders yet (which is bad news for Wang as he has been there a while.)
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2020 03:06 pm
I wouldent mind being president since we have upgraded it to king with the ability to rule by proculamation.
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2020 07:36 pm
Wouldn't you ? Trump has not issued any proclamations at all.

President Obama was far more aggressive in issuing de facto amendments to environmental and immigration law, educational policy than has been Trump. Most of the actions to which I suspect you refer have to do with his cancellation of intrusive regulations issued by the Federal bureaucracy - something that is well within the Constitutional executive powers assigned to the President.
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2020 09:53 am
As expected. Not shocking but still painful.
Elizabeth Warren, Once a Front-Runner, Will Drop Out of Presidential Race
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2020 12:03 pm
Elizabeth Warren wrote:

I’m going to start with the news. I wanted you to hear it straight from me: today, I’m suspending our campaign for president.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you have poured into this campaign.

I know that when we set out, this was not the news you ever wanted to hear. It is not the news I ever wanted to share. But I refuse to let disappointment blind me — or you — to what we’ve accomplished. We didn’t reach our goal, but what we have done together — what you have done — has made a lasting difference. It’s not the scale of the difference we wanted to make, but it matters — and the changes will have ripples for years to come.

What we have done — and the ideas we have launched into the world, the way we have fought this fight, the relationships we have built — will carry through for the rest of this election, and the one after that, and the one after that.

So think about it:

We have shown that it is possible to build a grassroots movement that is accountable to supporters and activists and not to wealthy donors — and to do it fast enough for a first-time candidate to build a viable campaign. Never again can anyone say that the only way that a newcomer can get a chance to be a plausible candidate is to take money from corporate executives and billionaires. That’s done.

We have shown that it is possible to inspire people with big ideas, possible to call out what’s wrong and to lay out a path to make this country live up to its promise.

We have shown that race and justice — economic justice, social justice, environmental justice, criminal justice — are not an afterthought, but are at the heart of everything that we do.

We have shown that a woman can stand up, hold her ground, and stay true to herself — no matter what.

We have shown that we can build plans in collaboration with the people who are most affected.

This campaign became something special, and it wasn’t because of me. It was because of you. I am so proud of how you fought this fight alongside me: you fought it with empathy and kindness and generosity — and of course, with enormous passion and grit.

Some of you may remember that long before I got into electoral politics, I was asked if I would accept a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that was weak and toothless. And I replied that my first choice was a consumer agency that could get real stuff done, and my second choice was no agency and lots of blood and teeth left on the floor. In this campaign, we have been willing to fight, and, when necessary, we left plenty of blood and teeth on the floor. I can think of one billionaire who has been denied the chance to buy this election.

And we did all of this without selling access for money. Together, you and 1,250,000 people gave more than $112 million dollars to support this campaign. And we did it without selling one minute of my time to the highest bidder. People said that would be impossible. But you did that.

Together, we built a grassroots campaign that had some of the most ambitious organizing targets ever — and then we turned around and surpassed them.

Our staff and volunteers on the ground knocked on over 22 million doors across the country. We made 20 million phone calls and sent more than 42 million texts to voters. That’s truly astonishing. It is.

We also advocated for fixing our rigged system in a way that will make it work better for everyone.

A year ago, people weren’t talking about a two-cent wealth tax, Universal Child Care, cancelling student loan debt for 43 million Americans while reducing the racial wealth gap, breaking up big tech, or expanding Social Security. And now they are. And because we did the work of building broad support for all of those ideas across this country, these changes could actually be implemented by the next president.

A year ago, people weren’t talking about corruption, and they still aren’t talking about it enough — but we’ve moved the needle, and a hunk of our anti-corruption plan is already embedded in a House bill that is ready to go when we get a Democratic Senate.

And we also did it by having fun and by staying true to ourselves. We ran from the heart. We ran on our values. We ran on treating everyone with respect and dignity. But it was so much more. Four-hour selfie lines and pinky promises with little girls. A wedding at one of our town halls. And we were joyful and positive through all of it. We ran a campaign not to put people down, but to lift them up — and I loved pretty much every minute of it.

I may not be in the race for president in 2020, but this fight — our fight — is not over. And our place in this fight has not ended.

Because for every young person who is drowning in student debt, for every family struggling to pay the bills on two incomes, for every mom worried about paying for prescriptions or putting food on the table, this fight goes on.

For every immigrant and African American and Muslim and Jewish person and Latinx and transwoman who sees the rise in attacks on people who look or sound or worship like them, this fight goes on.

For every person alarmed by the speed with which climate change is bearing down upon us, this fight goes on.

And for every American who desperately wants to see our nation healed and some decency and honor restored to our government, this fight goes on.

When I voted on Tuesday at the elementary school down the street, a mom came up to me. She said she has two small children, and they have a nightly ritual. After the kids have brushed teeth and read books and gotten that last sip of water and done all the other bedtime routines, they do one last thing before the two little ones go to sleep: Mama leans over them and whispers, “Dream big.” And the children together reply, “Fight hard.”

So if you leave with only one thing, it must be this: Choose to fight only righteous fights, because then when things get tough — and they will — you will know that there is only option ahead of you: nevertheless, you must persist.

You should be so proud of what we’ve done together — what you have done over this past year.

Our work continues, the fight goes on, and big dreams never die.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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