My first choice for the next President

Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 09:57 am
She is a female democrat. His worst nightmare.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 04:39 pm
Thomas wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
She'd be a disaster.

How so?

She's a buffoon. She has taken every opportunity of national spotlight and revealed to all that she is a dolt. She is empty-headed.

She's an embarrassment to the State of Arizona.

RABEL222 wrote:
She is a female democrat. His worst nightmare.

Wrong, buzzard-lips. She is very much the current Republican Governor of the Sand State.
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 05:12 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
She's a buffoon. She has taken every opportunity of national spotlight and revealed to all that she is a dolt. She is empty-headed.

I had prepared a devastating, not to mention smashingly articulate response to that. Then I noticed you're not talking about Elizabeth Warren anymore, you're talking about your governor. You're such a spoil-sport!
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 05:42 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 01:37 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

1. “There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there—good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory....Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea—God bless! Keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”—September 2011.

I still have major issues with statements like these.

They also paid for roads, probably more then most people. They also pay school taxes, probably more then most. They also pay for police and fire protection, probably more then most. All of those are for the common good, yes. But, they are equally available to all. It does not scale by how much or how little you pay, those things are all paid for by everyone.

However, not every one helped build the factory. Not everyone slaved away during the build up of a business. Not everyone takes the hours upon hours it takes to wade through all the government regulations. Not everyone has to deal with are the various issues and problems faced by various employees. Not everyone has to supply their employees with health insurance and other benefits.

So, yeah, God Bless. Keep as much as you think you want of it. You have already paid into the underlying social contract and left the same community benefits to the next guy that wants to work hard and create a business.

This is a completely foreign concept to me that people would feel as though they are deserving of being rewarded on the backs of others.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 02:32 pm
Probably, probably, probably . . . you are either not seeing the whole picture, or you don't want to see it.

The wealthiest people get their income from capital gains, which is taxed at 15%. That's less than factory worker pay, so the public services to which you refer are paid by the majority of people, not the wealthiest. Roads are also paid by gasoline taxes, and wealthy people don't pay any more in gasoline taxes that working class or poor people. Wealthy people benefit more from a good infrastructure, because that benefits industry which can practice economies of scale. The wealthy either own the indutry, or derive their capitals gains from it.

The cost of living for wealthy people is much, much lower, proportionally than it is for working class or poor people. The gasoline taxes they pay are an insignificant fraction of a percentage point of their earnings. Fuel costs are a major part of the budget of working class or poor people, either by buying the fue; directly, or by the high cost of public transport. Almost all other taxes other than income tax are regressive taxes--wealthy people pay the same rate on the same items as working class or poor people pay.

If there are 200,000,000 million tax payers in this country (and there are probably more), and 300,000,000+ population, the "one percenters" actually pay a tiny fraction of the taxes which support the infrastructure, from which they benefit more than the lowly commuter.

Far from paying more than most people, in most cases they pay far less, both as a proportion of their income, and as a part of the whole tax income which supports roads, schools and other infrastricture.

Governemnt regulation is not that onerous, and it doesn't take hours and hours of the business owner's time, unless they're wither really stupid, or too cheap to hire a business manager. I was a business manager for small businesses for the last 20 years of my working life. Government requirements were a small proportion of my activities--most of it was spent on managing cash flow and keeping down operating costs, which more than justified what i was paid, because i could help to increase the business while making a major contribution to keeping down costs.

You're drunk on right-wing propaganda. I suspect you really don't understand where the government's money comes from, nor what wealthy people actually have to do to keep and increase their wealth.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 02:47 pm
You are referring to the already wealthy. The number of people that spawn wealthy has not yet quite reached the number of people who have made themselves wealthy.

What roads did Zuckerburg use? He did use the internet. He did use campus owned computers and buildings, but he paid the same as all the other users of the internet and people living on campus.

Sam Walton uses the roads, but how many trucks does he use? How much Gasoline does he go through that he pays taxes on? I would guess more then you or I. Why would you think they would use less?

Wealthy people often own multiple cars and recreational vehicles. Even Al Gore uses an airplane plenty regularly. He pays for the gas for that and the taxes to own it, buy it, pilot it, etc...

I think you are completely wrong when you say "the 'one percenters' actually pay a tiny fraction of the taxes which support the infrastructure, from which they benefit more than the lowly commuter." That is liberal propaganda at its finest.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 03:52 pm
I'm waiting for the The Job Creators line.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 04:19 pm
It is unlikely I'll have a choice for president that gets me at all.

Eisenhower worried about it.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 07:20 pm
I may join you in the ignore cave.

It's not a cave, IR, it's a stinky, smelly little hole that is unbecoming someone from the country that gave us "freedom of speech".
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 07:34 pm
IRFRANK wrote:

I'd support a Warren / Clinton ticket, in either order.
It might cause a right wing uprising worse than we have.

I would also support a Warren/Clinton ticket! The uprising wouldn't last long thou, half the tea baggers would drop dead when it's announced on Fox Noise.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 07:36 pm
If a tree falls in the forest, ????
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 07:56 pm
So by now y'all should be man/woman enough to realize that the government of the poeple, by the people for the people was nothing but a huge crock of bullshit.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 08:15 pm
Don't whine about it, Frank, just run to that stinky, dank little hole if that's yer druthers.

Finn realized it was a lose lose proposition and he's a much better man for it.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 08:33 pm
You're feisty tonight. I'm not interested.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 08:35 pm
That's good to hear, Frank. You've got more balls than you give yerself credit for.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 10:34 am
Year October 13 2023, Year October 13 2033, Year October 13 2045
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 01:36 pm
We wouldn't want your masterpiece to go to waste Thomas.

Tell us why Elizabeth Warren would make a good president.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 01:25 pm
I have a feeling Chris Christie will get the Republican nod, because they will be desperate for a winner to stand against Clinton or Warren, not some moth-eaten teabagger. He likely would run a very strong race. Can't speculate on a running mate, this early.
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 02:53 pm
I hope you are correct. Neither Clinton (too much dirty laundry) and Warren (no experience in governing anything) would have a chance against a real leader like Christie.

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