I'm sorry I did not justify my negative evaluation of the atomic bombing of the two Japanese cities with acknowledgement of the firebomings of other cities (including the firebombing of Dresden?), but I don't have your energy. You condemn me as a bleeding heart, but thanks for not calling me a blittering (?) idiot. I must have done something right.
I agree that the Japanese have earned a reputation for great cruelty, but that does not apply to everyone in Japan. Nanking involved Japanese youths who did things to women, as well as to Korean "comfort girls that did not, nevertheless, reduce the moral horror of what we did to Japanese young women (not to mention old women, men and children) . But I feel no need to mention everything in order to address a particular thing.
I agree that I have not thought this matter through sufficiently. But I notice that you are able to forego moral conclusions regarding the slaughter of innocents by reference to the atrocities of "guilty" Japanese soldiers.
"Atomic boogieman" ?