@Frank Apisa,
Lustig Andrei wrote:Frank, you keep talking about the difference in American attitudes toward Japan and Germany. But in the post I'm responding to you make it pretty clear that what you're really talking about is popular attitudes toward Japanese-Americans vs German-Americans. I agree. German-Americans were not consigned to American concentration camps the way the Americans of Japanese descent were. But that's a different kettle of fish from the way we saw the countries of Japan and Germany. Those were both the enemy. I've heard from WW II veterans that in the European Theater of Operations (ETO), American servicemen were discouraged by their commanders from even using the word 'German' to refer to the enemy. If you think 'Jap' is a bad nickname, what about 'Fritz' and 'Jerry'? Intended to be equally insulting.
There is nothing "insulting" about either saying the Japs or the Fritzes.
Japs is simply
an abbreviation, like Dave is for David or Bob is for Robert.
If u wanna make it an insult, u need to add a pejorative adjective,
e.g., sneaky Japs, dirty Japs, brutal Japs etc.
Lustig Andrei wrote:I quite agree with Farmerman that neither Truman nor any other level-headed
POTUS would have hesitated a moment in ordering a nuclear strike on Germany if we'd had the weapon ready in time.
Tho there is nothing rong
with favoring your own race,
which is a natural thing to do, in this case we must not lose sight
of the fact that we were at war with the Germen, tho not on a racial basis.
Accordingly, we must not give aid and comfort to the enemy; that 'd be
Frank Apisa wrote:We'll have to agree to disagree.
As for whether Truman would or would not do anything...I will continue to call my guesses
about that..."my guesses." I think your certainty is a bit much.
I believe that u have a 9th Amendment right to
GUESS, Frank.