A two-four, not to be confused with the May two-four - held in queen vickies honour, is on or about the 24th of May, where one usually finds copious amounts of empties after all the two-fours are imbibed.
Whiskey and rye are pretty much synonymous, but CC (canadian club) is always called CC, cause it sucks.
Ice tea is always sweetened, but it tastes nothing like the sweetened tea down south.
Hockey always means ice hockey, saying ice is redundant and will immediately paint you as being foreign, as will, ice skating and snow skiing. Field hockey, roller skating, roller blading, water skiing are field hockey...
Beaver/tail/s though have many meanings, in polite company, it's either our national emblem or a pastry.

Saskatchewan is pronounced sa-s
Newfoundland rhymes with understand.
Prairie oysters are not oysters.
People will generally be polite to your face, while driving not so much.