As I said to teehee on another thread, and which applies nicely to many of the ST Pete"fanboys"
"They are mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence"
I nevere got the way everyone else herein would dance around the fact that these were a bunch of gay guys who act with one mind. The effort to remain PC and not "hurt their feelings" was laughable to me. Several of the old timers here go ass over tin cups to appear non "homophobic" (whatever the **** that means), and never ask themselves "Why am I giving these guys a pass when they are as wrong as often as anyone else"
When they are dead wrong as they were about Lola's comment , they need to be told that they are playing stupid, and that maybe a journey back into some Mel Brooks movies or (as Chai showed) old Monty Python skits could help them learn the lessons of humor history(so they dont repeat themselves).
Maybe its because these guys are so damned insulated from the world thats not gay, they miss a lot of nuance.
Its said that we dont learn anything from the internet, we merely reinforce what weve already believed. These guys, just like our super conservative members and our super liberal members, dont EVER consider the other side of an issue
Then when they **** up and try to twist a hunorousoffering into something they call "racist' , they no longer deserve a "Free ride".
If they cannot argue in an intelligent fashion and must always retreat into school-girl visciousness, then maybe they should remain a cloistered sect.