Joe, don't be jealous. The fact Kickykan is willing to drop $175 a night for each professional escort doesn't exactly make him a stud...
Slappy Doo HOO;
Thank you SDH you made my day for I sure needed a good laugh.
Joe Harris
Slappy D00 Hoo;
Seeing that you are from Boston sure brought alot of old memories back to me.
I was born and raised just south of the Blue Hills in Randolph. During my High School years I use to take my dates up to the Blue Hills parking and every once in awhile I would look out the window and see the lights of Boston shinning in the night.
Also in high school just about every Friday night with my buddies we would go to Scully Sq. to the "Old Howard" to watch the girls , then afterwards we would go to the "Crawford House for drinks and fun.
I joinned the National Guards..101st Observation Sqdn. at East Boston Airport and during the day I worked in Dorchester at the Mason-Neilan Regulator Plant. In fact the Baker Chocolate mills were also working there.
When the war came I flew out of Clarks Air Field in Hanover then I ended up here at Randolph Fied, Texas. I spent the war as a flight instructor for Army Air Cadets.
The war ended my living in Randolph,Mass for I spent most of my adult life in either in Europe or the far east or just some where. I now am here in Texas waiting for the Grim Reaper to knock on my door. Maybe he wont knock but just walk in.
Joe Harris
Wow, some good memories...I've been to Blue Hills a few times. Great view of Boston, I've been up there in the summer. They block those roads off now at night, I believe.
-------------------thread diversion----------------------
Joe, which war?
I'm palnning on hiking the Blue Hills trails sometime soon. Looking forward to it. I'll say hello to the hills for you, Joe - and you too Slappy, if you guys want me to.
Slap - how's the new job?
Nice to meet you, Joe Harris! My dad used to talk about Scollay Square! I wish it were still like that.
hi Slappy and Littlek!
Okay, I came in here because it's supposed to be about sex. What happened?
Hi Suzy! so sorry to get side-tracked - maybe check back a page.....?
Hey, what the hell is going on in here?!! This is supposed to be about ME! ME, ME, ME, ME, MEEEEEEEEEEE! Okay, that's it, everybody out of the pool!!!

I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow, but I really should get to bed, just in case! So okay, out of the pool I go!
World War 2...Please say ,"Hello to the Blue Hills for me"
I sure wish i could relive some of those dates once more.
I most likely would have a heart attact but I swear I would also have a beautiful soft smile of contenment on my face.
Joe Harris
Joe - I will
So, kickycan - what are ya gonna do?
Well, tomorrow night I am going out with Rhoda, but I told her I had to make it an early night, and she was totally allright with that. So I get home early, clean up the place a little bit, and then on Friday, Mary is coming over and we are going to rent a couple of old movies and hopefully do a lot more than just watch movies.
Sounds good, right?
I'll update you tomorrow night if anything horrible happens with Rhoda.
you better keep us posted.
<pant, pant>
"Just a minute!!!"
<runs to computer... types quickly... runs back...>
"OK, so where were we...?"
Trouble in River City, according to me....
Have no fear. I'm sure it will all work out just fine. I hope it won't be too boring to see how I end up getting my cake and eating it too. :wink:
Schorrr, snuffle, schnoooor... um, cake, icing, schnorre....