Discussions on the Internet seem always to degenerate into name calling and fury. I suspect that has to do with the fact that the conversations are occurring, for the most part, long distance and with anonymity. And unfortunately "being rude in Internet discussions" apparently is a learned trait.
I started with Internet discussions at Abuzz. I have a record of my first 6 months of commentary...and I was as polite and deferential as I am in my personal contacts out here in the real world. (Mind you, out here I can be very assertive on contentious issues, but I do talk and act without all the bravado and "you are stupid" "you are an asshole" nonsense that seems to dominate conversations of disagreement in the forums.)
But after 6 months, I saw a marked change. I had learned to be gratuitously insulting...and saw all sorts of fury entering my posts.
I've got that under control now. I simply do not do it any more at all. I put out plenty of zingers...as we all do...but even those I do it with some finesse and without declaring that anyone disagreeing must be doing so because of intellectual or mental health problems.
I think each of us has to exercise self-control.
Lemme ask you this, Hawk: Do you see as much of the rancor and insults in the physical world as you do here in cyberspace...or is it predominantly a cyberspace problem that you are discussing?