Quote:But what about the idea that civilization does not happen if no one is driving toward tempering our instincts for barbarity???
Wow. You have an issue with feminists? I don't think they were on a crusade to kill paternalistic social order. They just want the same freedoms and rights as their male counterparts. If that kills social order then we need a new kind of order. I think the apparent order brought about by a 'heavy hand of the law' is false security. It may appear to keep people in line, and may do that for a short time period, but does not work in the long run. And it is not so good for those kept in line. I also don't think the heavy hand of the church is such a good thing either. Abuse of power is a real concern.
I believe in the middle view. We all deserve and benefit from basic freedoms. Tolerance is a good thing. Viewing others as evil is usually in the mind of the beholder and is often not real. There needs to be some basic social order, but I'd rather not have someone tempering my instincts.
Our 'Barbarity' will not be kept in check by this heavy hand, it will just be reserved for those in charge.
I would agree that more teaching and 'lecture' could be a good thing. I think one opportunity we miss in a big way is the chance to help educate the masses with media. Today we mostly use it to sell things and disseminate negative examples and attitudes.