In my opinion, those that value having a gun to protect themselves and family may not be addressing the poor image that seems to be in the minds of some relating to the "gun culture" aficianado. Meaning, to a non-gun owner like myself a gun range may also serve as a place where men, eager to enhance their macho image, can bond with other males in a gun version of koom-ba-ya. In other words, owning a "sexy" semi-automatic weapon may be akin to buying a new car in the late 1950's where the newest style of "tail fin" added tremendous prestige to the car owner.
Again in my opinion, if gun owners had the image of a doctor handling his/her vaccination injections, the opposition to guns may not believe that gun owners themselves have guns for possibly an over compensation for no other means to bond with people, or that type of macho bonding may be really preferable, if one wasn't the high school football hero?
You see, if a good citizen has his/her house burglarized, and the semi-automatic weapon winds up in the hands of the bad guy, not to mention the loose laws in purchasing semi-automatic weapons, the idea of responsible gun ownership falls on many a deaf ear in the anti-gun community.
I believe those that advocate the right to protect themselves and family with a gun should stop wanting their cake and eat it too, so to speak. It is just too easy to buy a semi-automatic weapon when there is a parallel constituency of gun fetishists that own guns, in addition to the good, responsible citizens.
I believe that gun owners need to clean up their image, so to speak, and change the image of gun owners, where some people think of some gun owners as having a gun for possible male bonding needs, and may be overcompensating for flaccid appendages. Oh yes, and no tobacco chewing at the gun range; bad image too.
For a start, all guns should be pink, with ribbon decals showing ponies and kittens. Let's make guns non-macho.