Watch OJ Simpson's trial and that's epic fail for you. YOU want rapists and murders walking in your neighborhood that's your choice. Good luck with that. Criminals get some pro-criminal justice left wing morons on the jury who sympathizes with the guy and there you go, a not guilty verdict as the case of Casey Anthony, another epic fail. What lack of understanding? So what it's rare, does mean it doesn't exist. Something like this simply shouldn't exist because you lost it and killed a whole bunch of people and all of a sudden you are sane again? WTF again?
Of course it has to do with this post. A legal system that punishes the criminals to the most severe extent acts as a deterrent to crimes. You think take away legal ownership of guns will solve the problem? What about illegal firearms trafficking or use other method to accomplish the same crime? Bottom line is you scare someone enough that something they do will result in severe punishment, they'd think twice about doing it. That will not entirely solve the problem, but will lessen it. That is, you'll have less illegal firearms trafficking, drugs and all the crap out there.
Innocent people die all the time mate. Execute 1000 criminals and you may falsely execute one guy who may somehow be innocent and just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's sad, I give that to you, but what about the criminals YOU WANNA put on the street who goes on and kill / rapes 10 more innocent people -- that's NOT WORSE? Yeah, easy for you to defend them because YOU are not the victim. It's rather pure hypocrisy.