Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:09 pm
firefly wrote:
oralloy should make the A2K Clueless Hall of Fame.

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own cluelessness.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:14 pm
You'll tediously repeat the same limited set of replies...

Good grief, he now admits he just cuts and pastes the same mindless responses.
Cut-n-paste responses are the appropriate way to respond when dealing with a freak like him.

Really, it doesn't get more bizarre than that.

This is like trying to have a discussion with a pre-recorded anouncement. And he expects to be taken seriously?

At least oralloy provides some comic relief, whether he's aware of that or not. His self-contradictions are so consistent they really are funny.

Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:20 pm
firefly wrote:
This is like trying to have a discussion with a pre-recorded anouncement.

Hardly. If you post something that deserves a cut-n-paste brush off, you are most certainly not attempting to engage in any discussion.

firefly wrote:
And he expects to be taken seriously?

You have a habit of refusing to take reality seriously. And I have a habit of relentlessly sticking to reality. So no, there are no expectations when conversing with you. I just point out the truth and then move on to the next post.

firefly wrote:
His self-contradictions

No such contradictions.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:20 pm
This is Oralloy's standard response when he's completely lost the argument. He just repeatedly posts this, in the mistaken belief that being the most obnoxious person on the thread means that he's won something.

Once he starts posting it, chalk it up as a win for his opponent.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:21 pm
From "Atheist quotes of the day" facebook page.

Parent's in The U.S have their priorities backwards, and to parents in most modern nations on this planet American parents could be considered absolutely neglectful. From the period of 1979 to 2007 the CDC reports 116,385 children under the age of 18 have been killed by firearms. That's the equivalent of 4655 classrooms with 25 kids each being murdered in that period, or 5,819 Sandy Hook incidents. Around twice as many fatalities as the Vietnam war. By comparison in the same period according to the CDC only 3,822 children died of the flu, yet every American parent feels they're doing the best job they can protecting their kids getting them vaccinated, yet do nothing to prevent gun deaths which is the real threat against them compared to the flu. Your Second Amendment rights end where your child's right to life begins. How many innocent children just wanting to see another Christmas morning need to be violently murdered for your foolish ass to feel like your freedom has been secured? Merry Christmas!"
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:23 pm
I started putting together our annual gingerbread house with my kids, today.

I had to go take some time to pull myself together, thinking about what those families are having to go through.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:23 pm
Yeah, sure, oralloy...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:25 pm
Wilso wrote:

From "Atheist quotes of the day" facebook page.

Parent's in The U.S have their priorities backwards, and to parents in most modern nations on this planet American parents could be considered absolutely neglectful. From the period of 1979 to 2007 the CDC reports 116,385 children under the age of 18 have been killed by firearms. That's the equivalent of 4655 classrooms with 25 kids each being murdered in that period, or 5,819 Sandy Hook incidents. Around twice as many fatalities as the Vietnam war. By comparison in the same period according to the CDC only 3,822 children died of the flu, yet every American parent feels they're doing the best job they can protecting their kids getting them vaccinated, yet do nothing to prevent gun deaths which is the real threat against them compared to the flu. Your Second Amendment rights end where your child's right to life begins. How many innocent children just wanting to see another Christmas morning need to be violently murdered for your foolish ass to feel like your freedom has been secured? Merry Christmas!"

There are some pretty big assumptions in there. I know that "blame the parents" is convenient, but it's completely off base.
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Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:31 pm
I know that "blame the parents" is convenient, but it's completely off base.

It's not completely off-base if parents, including the parents who vote, and the parents who sit in our legislatures, don't start seriously addressing our problems with gun violence, and start instituting some better controls and regulations--we are to blame for our passivity in dealing with the gun violence that does impact, and kill, children in this country.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:32 pm
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Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:32 pm
Wilso wrote:
Your Second Amendment rights end where your child's right to life begins.

Luckily there is no conflict.

Wilso wrote:
How many innocent children just wanting to see another Christmas morning need to be violently murdered for your foolish ass to feel like your freedom has been secured?

There is a bit of logic lacking in the message. The cause of violent murders is violent murderers.

Whether the murderer uses a gun verses some other weapon is superfluous.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 01:35 pm
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:06 pm
I don't think oralboy has that ability to see his own "boners."
Val Killmore
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:12 pm
DrewDad wrote:

Let's look at what I actually said:

Drewdad wrote:
The suggestion that we need "more good guys with guns" is like suggesting the Titanic should hit another iceberg, but on the other side of the ship.

You will see that I did not misrepresent LaPierre's position, so I did not make a strawman argument.

I disagreed with LaPierre's position, and I ridiculed LaPierre's idea, and I ridiculed his language.

And the reason is this: The Sandy Hook shooter didn't own his own guns. He got them from another source. The Columbine shooters didn't own their own guns. They got them from another source.

The real straw man around here is you. Please, go see the Wizard and get yourself a brain.

You have misrepresented LaPierre's statement. You analogy hints indirectly that more good guys with guns = more guns will make us safer, then you assail on that premise by your titanic analogy which suggests more guns = more tragedies; what else do you mean by "hit another iceberg?" You can't assume more guns = more tragedies by first misrepresenting LaPierre's statement that more good guys with guns = more guns will make us safer.
If I have to point that out to you, it's not I who must get a new brain.
Val Killmore
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:12 pm
parados wrote:

A strawman fallacy requires that an argument be misrepresented and then that argument attacked.

DrewDad listed LaPierre's actual statement and then made an analogy. The analogy can't be both a misrepresentation AND an attack on that misrepresentation at the same time. DrewDad didn't use a strawman because he didn't meet both requirements of the fallacy.

You on the other hand misrepresented DrewDad's argument when you claimed he wanted to ban guns and then your analogy was an attack on the banning guns argument. When it comes to rituals you seem to be out standing in your straw field

"hit another iceberg" was not an attack on the argument? His analogy did not distort LaPierre's original statement? if not how could he jump to "Titanic" or America should have another tragedy or "hit another iceberg?"
You on the other hand misrepresented DrewDad's argument when you claimed he wanted to ban guns and then your analogy was an attack on the banning guns argument. When it comes to rituals you seem to be out standing in your straw field

I'll quote you to respond that, to show you how stupid what you said was. It seems here mister, there is a double standard in your mind.
parados wrote:
The analogy can't be both a misrepresentation AND an attack on that misrepresentation at the same time.

Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent argument.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:19 pm
You engage in name-calling because you are too stupid to come up with an intelligent argument.

Is that your excuse for doing the same?
Val Killmore
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:21 pm
Wilso wrote:

From "Atheist quotes of the day" facebook page.

Parent's in The U.S have their priorities backwards, and to parents in most modern nations on this planet American parents could be considered absolutely neglectful. From the period of 1979 to 2007 the CDC reports 116,385 children under the age of 18 have been killed by firearms. That's the equivalent of 4655 classrooms with 25 kids each being murdered in that period, or 5,819 Sandy Hook incidents. Around twice as many fatalities as the Vietnam war. By comparison in the same period according to the CDC only 3,822 children died of the flu, yet every American parent feels they're doing the best job they can protecting their kids getting them vaccinated, yet do nothing to prevent gun deaths which is the real threat against them compared to the flu. Your Second Amendment rights end where your child's right to life begins. How many innocent children just wanting to see another Christmas morning need to be violently murdered for your foolish ass to feel like your freedom has been secured? Merry Christmas!"

I suppose we do have our priorities backwards don't we? Let's also not forget the 150+ children killed by drone attacks in Pakistan. Let's also remember the rough low estimate of 20 million child deaths from American militarism. As Drewdad said, I had to go take some time to pull myself together, thinking about what those families are having to go through.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2012 02:22 pm
Excellent post. Thank you.
0 Replies

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