@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Laws to control guns will never control guns in this country; there are just too many.Criminals will always have ways to get guns.
Just like during prohibition times when alcohol was illegal, people could still buy booze.
When there is any demand for any product, laws will not control them
No, I think that's the sort of fatalistic attitude that leads to inactivity and passivity when it comes to gun control. And it's our
attitude about gun control that has to change--just as our attitudes toward cigarette smoking have changed, and for the same reason--gun violence is a public health problem just as cigarette smoking was/is.
We addressed cigarette smoking with various measures--high taxes, restrictions on sales, restrictions on where smoking could take place, public information campaigns, etc.--and we did change attitudes, and we did reduce smoking and the number of smokers. Surely we can at least attempt to change attitudes toward both gun possession and gun control. Just as the tobacco industry was left to determine our previous attitudes toward smoking, and to hype their product despite it's negative effects on public heath, we now have the gun makers, and their stooge group, the NRA, determining the attitudes toward guns and gun control, by hyping paranoid fears among citizens, and by threats to elected officials who dare to oppose them.
We significantly curbed the places where someone could smoke, as a public health measure but, thanks to the NRA, the number of places someone can carry a gun has increased, and continues to increase, because the NRA fights the rights of states and municipalities to establish better controls. And the NRA fights any attempts at better regulation and control of weapons and ammunition--as was clear yesterday, they advocate only for the acquisition and possession of even more guns, and against better restrictions and controls on those who wish to obtain them--they don't care in whose hands those guns will wind up, or how they will be used, because they are committed to helping gun makers sell more guns, for mutual profits.
It's time to stop letting the gun makers and the NRA run the show, just as we stopped letting Big Tobacco run the show.
It's all about attitude, CI. Our
attitude toward better gun control and regulation has to stop being wimpy and fatalistic. And this latest massacre of children may help to do that. Even gun enthusiasts have gotten aboard this time, and they want to see some better controls and regulations. Really responsible gun owners don't want to see our current problems with gun violence continue unabated.
We won't ban all guns in this country, nor is that the aim of more sensible gun control measures. But we do have to address the issue of gun violence in this country, and we do have to institute better controls to insure better public safety.