@Walter Hinteler,
You guys are making up worst case scenarios with some idea that there would be a friendly fire battle. I beleive that this is a regretful but necessary part of a way to ratchet down these events.
Anything else, why not just have targets on the kids backs? Its amazing how we are quick to address anyone who doesnt think like us as "clowns". You are not facing any reality by maintaining that "purity of essence" when it comes to a gun-free world. It aint going to happen soon in the US.
Gun control is going to be a long long battle in court and congress, so waht do we do in the meantime, just passively twiddle our thumbs and wait for the cops to come and identify the bodies of the next massacre?
A school invasion and massacre may be over before the cops even get rolling, so, like it or not the schools had better be better designed to repel invasion and there had better be some designated gun carriers with training to take on the terrorists.
SUch tactics can only be implemented in a stopgap fashion until we can have some real meaningful gun control,(Whish may take two generations, but we need to tart somewhere)
You guys are just the other side of the ticket from Wayne Lapierre. He wants armed guards ONLY and You want gun control ONLY. I dont buy either sole-system approach
I have no idea what should be done in a, say, shopping mall or a theater. Designing a school for a defensive lock down is much more easily accomplished (We havent done it yet, we seem to enjoy these useless debates, where we talk and talk while kids keep being buried, Hell, most school boards havent even addressed the issue)