farmerman wrote:SPORTING GUNS ARE LIMITED IN THEIR CAPACITIES AND THEIR WAYS OF SHOOTING. eg, a semi automatic .223 sport style gun doesnt have an available " ammunition tuibe" they use 5 shot clips and several makes WILL NOT accept banana clips.
That would be news to all the varmint hunters who use 30-round magazines.
farmerman wrote:Why did Bushmaster decide to make a gun that looks and fires like an M-16 with the only exception being that itd take a fairly simple conversion to make it fire full-auto
Because they felt like it, and because the Constitution protects their right to do so.
And hardly simple to convert. In addition to buying the specialized parts, you need a competent gunsmith to install them, otherwise you just end up ruining the gun.
Not many competent gunsmiths seem willing to commit such major felonies.
farmerman wrote:The BUSHMASTER IS AN ASSAULT WEAPON by its ability to rapidly fire semi auto and accept big clips and its short barrel(it fairly useless as a sport gun).
Nope. It is an assault weapon because of its cosmetics alone.
farmerman wrote:All the other features(bayonnet mount, etc) were knocked out cause they were superfluous to the guns mission opf rapid fire and killing ability.
Careful. You're going to undermine your effort to pretend there is any reason to ban those features.
farmerman wrote:If you keep repeating your same old tripe,
Funny how you are unable to point out any facts I have wrong.