MontereyJack wrote:You don't have SCOTUS.
Oh yes I do.
MontereyJack wrote:Again, look at Scalia's recent interviews.
I asked you before if he really said that the Supreme Court was going to abandon Rational Basis Review and the other standards of scrutiny. And if so, if you had a cite.
I've not seen any cites. Though I am a few pages behind, so if you did provide them I may just have not gotten to it yet.
MontereyJack wrote:They've been ducking having to define the limits they said exist in Heller,
Not really. The third round is still making it's way through the appeals courts. It'll get there soon enough.
This time Mr. Gura is having the courts rule that all Americans have the right to carry guns when they go about in public, even in our largest cities.
MontereyJack wrote:but Richard Posner stuck them in the ass
Nah. That case will likely be moot (unless it manages to reach the Supreme Court at the same time that Mr. Gura's case does).
MontereyJack wrote:And Scalia is talking about the standards that people would have applied to firearms in the 18th century. And assault weapons are pretty much something they would have thought of as the 18th century equivalent of a terror weapon.
Nonsense. Having harmless cosmetic features would not make a gun count as a terror weapon in any era.
MontereyJack wrote:When the cases get to the court, you're probably going to see the NRA get smacked down. You too. And more than about time.
The NRA is not going to court. Mr. Gura is.
And the only thing you're going to see when Mr. Gura returns to the Supreme Court is: a ruling that all Americans have the right to carry guns when they go about in public, even in our largest cities.