BillRM wrote:For the one hundred and one time how in the hell are rifles label assault rifles anymore deadly then similar rifles without that label????!!!!!?????
It's like trying to convince the Jonestown cultists not to drink the Kool-Aid isn't it?
But ultimately, no matter how much abuse the cultists heap on you for pointing out reality, they are the ones who will be drinking the Kool-Aid if they are stubborn.
If the Freedom Haters end up needlessly making a ban on high capacity magazines unconstitutional, they are the ones who are going to end up wailing as the courts strike it down.
I look forward to mocking them if that comes to pass (actually I've already started mocking them).
Of course, there is no guarantee that their unconstitutional monstrosity will ever make it past the NRA to begin with. But if it does, they will have only themselves to blame for sabotaging it.